President Bush says he accepts responsibility for going to war with faulty intelligen

“President Bush says he accepts responsibility for going to war with faulty intelligence.”

"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. As president I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq,” the president told a foreign policy forum on the eve of elections to establish Iraq’s first permanent, democratically elected government. “And I’m also responsible for fixing what went wrong by reforming our intelligence capabilities. And we’re doing just that.”

Dear families of the 2000+ Killed servicemen and women,
I fucked up. Sorry about the mix up, I thought they said weapon of ass destruction, I’ll do better with Korea. Enjoy Christmas without daddy kids!!


WTF?? It took him how long to admit that? Better late than never and I still hate him.

pretty much feel the same way as rubicant

i cannot believe we elected him

I was thinkin that b4 I even decided to post! Bush is an asshole!

Bush is going for the sympathy fuck

“The Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper” :bloated:

Where is this country going?
Does that answer your question?

And the sad thing is that I really think most Americans love the way it’s going.

Sadam was crazy, but you have to be a crazy SOB to rule over there.

fixed :tup:

bush + his administration = :bloated:

It wasn’t us, blame zerodaze

well, atleast hopefully we can finally stop hearing about it.

I dont see how it’s all of bush’s fault though… just my opinion though. Like I said, just glad he admitted it so I can stop hearing about it (or maybe not)

stfu, or we will invade your house

Be mindful for poo on the floor… That’s his countermeasure… :rofl:

Just for the people that have poor reading comprehension, Bush did not say “I fucked up”.
He merely accepted responsibility for his decision.
Never once did he say he regreted his decision.

You mean poor reading comprenesion like the people that voted for him… :slight_smile:

No, I mean comprehension.:stuck_out_tongue:

Damn! You got me there beeyeatch! You have to forgive me i had sex with a girl from a red state i think i got some of her retarded on me.