President Bush says he accepts responsibility for going to war with faulty intelligen

some on you?

matt tells me you drink a low fat grande cup of retard every morning

Although the Bush fuckup is a big part of the problem, it is only a variable in a larger equasion of fuck ups, Bush, Clinton, G.W. Bush…they have all played their part as well as the presidents before them. Look at Vietnam, we were totaly fucked over by that, and it was 100x worse than this, and we survived and got over it. Give it time and it will happen again.

Bush is not to blame, his whole admin is. I really dont care if he took responsibility or not, he has lost creditbilty with most of the US, and %99 of the world anyways.

We DID NOT elect him the first time.

The scary thing is that it was SOOOO damn close the second time, in the middle of a war, where there are so many people that won’t change admins in the middle of a conflict even if they don’t like who is in office.

werdIm not totaly in favor of the war, but Sadam DID have to be removed fom power. Granted there are more dictators like him, but none that kill their own people like he did (to my knowlage). He was a thorn in the worlds side for far too long.

Want the list?


no but seriously, he really didn’t, at least not for the reasons they say. He did NOT pose a threat to the US. There were no more terror cells in Iraq than ummm let’s say Saudi Arabi, or Syria, or how about Iran?

Go Afghanistan, boo Iraq.

im not sdaying it was an immediate threat, but he was a problem. he was a loose cannon with the worlds 4th largest army…and a vicious dictator. he did need to be taken down, but bush’s shady ways of doing it were wrong.

It’s funny that most republicans would rather keep our money at home, yet they love to turn the war in Iraq into a big charity event.


rou rofld and don’t even know the story behind it, trust me you don’t want to know

:tup: bush for admiting :tup: cowboys 4L

Freedom in Iraq 9/11 9/11 9/11

if that doesnt convert all you tree hugging liberals I dont knwo what will

end of story

:edit: knwo knwo knwo


I drank half a bottle of dayquil…im sick…if your wondering why this makes no sense

It’s not charity… it’s an investment.

nope, makes perfect sense.

:shrug: I did

and the second time too :wink:

seriously though… you cant even put the whole blame on the admins shoulders… if anything it’s our government as a whole who’s responsible. Regan, bush sr., klinton, george w and all the elected officials in between (aka senators, congressmen, ect)

it’s not like bush went covert and got all the intel himself lol (that makes a funny picture in my head though)

like I said… ateast he took responsibility so I dont have to hear all the retards in goverment pointing fingers anymore. That shit was starting to get real old.