Pretty awesome.

Someone buy.

That is awesome!

Thats like the mobile ones that were at h20i

holy shit thats sick!

i wonder if frank underboosted will pick it up for me…that’d be a sweet investment…mobile oil changes…be able to go to work and have your oil changed w/o having to drop your vehicle off

That would be an interesting business model. I don’t see a GVW rating, but it does look like it’s light enough to tow with a dually.

I would bring it to LVD and charge the turbo honda guys to use the lifts to replace axles every other run.

i was being sarcastic…im sure his dually would handle it but its not heavy enough to try and stop it…and his has a gooseneck which is different


I didn’t think you were really serrious about it. The trailer has 10 lug wheels on it so it’s definetly too heavy to be dragged by a pickup. You would need a topkick or equivalent. I just think it’s an interesting business model, not sure how successful it really would be though. Profit margins on oil changes are lousy to say the least you would have to get a 20 dollar premium over normal price to make it worth while.

that is serious! damnnn