Problem 32 bit/64 bit compatibility.

I have some software that I use for work and its very beneficial to have on my computer, unfortunately it only supports 32bit pc’s. I JUST bought a new laptop a couple months ago, and of course i bought a 64 bit model. Is there an easy way to get the software to work on my computer?

Buy a new laptop…


negative. lol. i’ll wait for the company to get more compatible software first. ugh. i might be waiting for a while now. AND… to add another question.

My old laptop is 32bit, but the cd-rom drive just stopped recognizing cd’s… any ideas for that issue?

so. true.

What happens when you try and run the program? How old is the program?

I assume your running Vista?

I havent even tried to run it… it clearly says must be 32 bit on the front… they said they were having a bunch of issues… i didnt want it screwing up my new laptop

yea, vista

You realize Vista can emulate 32 bit…

how do i do that? lol… i dont know.

it will prob run fine

You don’t have to do anything…

You would run into issues if the program is old and uses 16bit drivers or installer and crap…

it will more than likely run it fine in 32bit

you can run 32bit software on a 64bit os, but you can’t run 64bit software on a 32bit os.

IF it has problems with vista (which it may if it’s older), first try running it as an administrator. If that doesn’t work, you could always use something like virtualPC and install vista/XP 32bit in a virtual environment to use the software you need.


i’m still amazed at how shitty the software support for 64bit OS’s still is… we have a bunch of software that won’t run in XP 64bit which is a pain in the dick since we have CAD engineers requiring 64bit OS’s

have you tired vista yet?

I’ve never had a problem with it, except early on driver issues (they have to be signed for 64bit I believe)

a vast majority of the software I run is 32bit (cad software included)

I’ll be talking to you later about this should my install fail… lol…

thanks all.

Just install it normally. You have more apps on your laptop that are 32 it than you think. I have a 64 bit OS but run a bunch of 32 bit ones.

Go into C:\Program Files(x86) and take a look

Unless you have a ton of RAM and programs that rely on 64 bit, I personally there is no point.

lol yes i have tried vista, and more programs are incompatible with vista than 64bit xp :stuck_out_tongue:

How recently have you tried vista? I have been using it the past few months and it grew on me. Its a change but its actually a pretty good OS. When it first came out it was awful and I refused to keep it on my old computer but they fixed a lot and there is a lot of support for it now. I have yet to find something that would not install on it and run right.

lol what software are you running?

I definitely had problems getting UniGraphics (NX4) installed on vista. The license management software didn’t like the way vista was allowing it to do things. I’m not even sure if the newest version supports vista yet unfortunately. :tdown:

on the bright side of things, you can get it working but it’s a huge PITA (hacking the registry essentially)… better off dual booting XP

lol no problem

here is virtualPC… it will take you through a wizard to set the virtual machine up, then from there pop your XP disc in and “run” the virtual machine. It will bring you through the setup just as you were installing it on the actual computer itself, but in a self contained file.

If you go this way, when your setting up your hard drive size, make sure you “allocate space now” instead of later.