problem puting car into gear.

ok so my gts-t was rolling smoothly and running fine until the other day i got in my car to head to class and i could barely get the shifter to go into first gear. after it warmed up a little more outside leter in the day it started shifting smoothly again, then the next day same thing again but second gear was hard to engage aswell and i noticed that my clutch pedal had some more play to it then before. and now today i get in and every gear basically needs to be slammed into gear just to get it to go in the clutch pedal has a good 5 inches or so of free play and when it is idle in first gear if i let go of the breaks the car starts to pull forward like it is engaged in gear. does any one know what the cause of this good be? i thought it may have been the release bearing at first but i have a feeling that its more then that.

all help is much appreciated even just giving a name to contact will help.

thanks ahead


sounds like your leaking fluid from somewhere, check your master and slave for visable leaks.

If no leaks you most likely have air in the clutch line…

Check if your slave cylinder extends correctly when someone is inside the car pushing the clutch in and out. Also, check if the slave cylinder is wet. If the slave cylinder’s piston has proper range, then the problem is internal, otherwise try bleeding the clutch, or replacing the slave cylinder.

Also inspect the clutch master cylinder for any leaks. Hope that helps. Difficultly putting the car in first gear usually indicates a partially engaged clutch.

In my case, I had a bad pressure plate, once I replaced the whole clutch assembly with a Clutchmasters clutch, all is back to normal. Make sure you adjust your pedal properly as well with a few millimeters of a deadzone (swinging pedal free play).

Good luck, report back with what you find.

Clue is you said it creeps ahead when you take your foot off the brake that means the clutch is not disengaging all the way from the flywheel. Like AhmadG said, check your master and slave fluid and operation. If its not that, then something with the clutch/release bearing/fork/or even flywheel.


check: air in the line, clutch slave, clutch master

maybe the main seal is gone and fluid is leaking into the clutch ?

check your slave and master cylinder for leaks. sounds like 1 of them or most likly just gone usually the slave. pull off the rubber boot on the slave if you have fluid there well change the slave and bleed the system. same goes for master check that out too.

Good info guys - same problem here too (started yesterday).

Ok got it all up and going now just need new fluid. Is it dot 3 brake fluid for the clutch

yep that works fine. If your fluid levels are low there is a good chance you are leaking. You might want to replace your slave cylinder as I had the same issue you are describing before it all goes caput like it did to me and you have to drive through traffic with zero clutch.

also if you are replacing your slave cylinder you may as well replace your master just in case. They are pretty cheap parts

Pressure plate might start to be going on you. Then again if its really cold outside the fluid is thick. Might take some extra muscle until it warms up

i had this problem once but it didnt happen over a few days it happened after a few engage/disengages of the clutch

it turned out the fork broke.

so did you find the leak. u should bleed the system.