programming road signs?

okay, want a cookie or something?

I see the authorities getting involved with this in the near future!

its by satalite

^^^way to ruin all the fun

Anyone know what it said? The article won’t tell what the sign said.

Edit - Nevermind… found it.

keyboard inside the locked panel … theres the answer …

no really though… let me know where it is and I’ll pick the lock… w/vids.

that area looks populated unfortunately

Straight from a guy who does construction and has programmed these before (I told him my friend wanted to ask his girlfriend to marry him via one of these things):

alright first things first
the ones that flash the speed limit are normally white, they’re used by officers and run an entirely different program than the one you need

the one you need is almost 95% of the time orange, you have to make certain its a message board (some people think they’re all the same but there’s also simple arrow boards that only display arrows, its easy to tell which is which.)

The controller is normally in the locked box on the side of the message board, you’ll have to cut the lock to get in, once you do get it it’s sort of like a bulky palm pilot with a chord attached to it…

operating the controller
this is sort of tricky because some have different progams, most the ones we use are a text format
the sequence is what the entire display will be
the message is part of the sequence
so since it’s a simple message you’d make a sequence, then put 1 message in it
the message would read “xxx will you marry me?”
you generally have 3 lines to work with… sometimes the controllers are a pain in the ass to work with, lots of button pushing haha.

that’s about the easiest i can explain it, the only way you’ll understand how to work the controller is to break teh bitch open and figure it out. Don’t worry none have alarms and the locks are always easy to cut.

hrmm… if its where i think it is… its pretty populated…

hrmm… if its where i think it is… its pretty populated…

lol this is gonna be good.

Don’t forget a boot, and closed locks so they can’t cut it off with bolt-cutters. :tup:

<- I have used them when I did Highway work, there is a key pad inside, but there is different codes and sequences to make it say what you want, kind of like already stored messages of what you want it to say, but I am sure there has to be a manual type mode. Plus there are many manufacturers so I am sure they are all kind of different. Good luck :tup:

ahhhh… something about this thread takes me back to my days before the age of majority… :snky: :baby:

Whenever I’m driving home from visiting Kate in West Virginia, I see a sign like that in Pennsylvania.

It flashes the following pages of text:


As you can see, it can be misinterpreted to say something about race drivers. :slight_smile: There’s no blank between the “YOU LOSE” and the “YOU DRINK” pages, so it’s an endless cycle, I suppose. :slight_smile:

i’d just pick the lock… this way your not destroying property.

Its relatively easy to do, and probably takes less time than the cutters.

don’t forget to put your own lock when you are done so it’s hard to fix



no really though…
It is easier than you think. 10 seconds I bet I could be in there.