progress thread: 94gt5.0

Adam, great job with the gym man! start eating better and your gains will amaze you!! where do you guys go to workout?

what kind of equipment do you work out with and what gym?

Me? Local new gym in Ticonderoga, cheap and 24 hours. All old school equipment. I do MANY more exercises than the ones that I reported, but the shoulder press and bench was dumbells, and the cable row was a cable row machine. I know the 52.5 looks odd for dumbells, but we were getting as far as we could tonight and taping 2.5’s on to go up 2.5 on dumbells, lol.

lol i gotchya i was jw cause of the equipment #s, like u said setting 12 instead of say 120lbs

Yeah I hear you, I think that 10=100 on that particular machine but IDK for sure.

yea it prob is lol lucky guess on my part with the 12 possibly = 120


And I know I’m weak too. Before this winter, I was on a recomp/slight cut, and lost some strength. I also took two weeks off of training at the end of November for personal reasons. In the past, I’ve gone has high as 95’s on flat press, 300x6 on squats, forgot what else, ha

Thanks bro. I REALLY need to watch what Im eating, Ive been on and off eating good for so long, and thats what is really killing me right now. I need to buckle down and eat right, and also cut out alcohol :lol. Were at BEst Fitness on the crosstown.

yea mann thats good ya just gotta keep goin like adam is, strength come over time. you dont get weaker unless u get hurt!

Last week on shoulders(which Ive been terrible with b/c of past injury) I got 135 up on seated military press(barbell) 8 times. Pretty happy with that so far and dont wanna push too much more b/c Im nervous about fuckin my shoulder up again lol.

yea if its bad id stick with dumbells for that so u have more cotrol over the weight and can build up ur stabilzers better with dumbzzz

I actually like the DB’s alot better, but decided to switch it up.

Occasionaly drinking (1-2x a month) is totally fine. Proper diet+occasional drinking is WAYYYYY AHEAD of a shitty diet and no/occasional drinking.

i hear ya, i like barbell for mass esp with shoulderpress

Short term goal for me is to get up the 100’s on flat DB press. Just sucks getting them into position when shooting for a lower rep range.

Idk Im all over the place with drinking, some weekends Ill get bombed Fri/Sat, some weekends I wont have a beer at all. Others Ill have like 2-4 just to kinda BS around with everyone else.

Barbell owns me :rofl

For 5 or 10?

For at least 5. It’ll happen within a couple months! 90’s ARE going up next Monday!

adam… plz dont be a bully when you get jacked

I wanna throw deadlifts in, just not sure where to add them. As much as my chest sucks, I’m sure my squat/dead/bench total would be fairly decent, which is the true measure of strength.