progress thread: 94gt5.0

Nice man! I was extatic when I got those up for 10, then got 95’s for 7!! You’ll get it soon man, just keep pushin!

:rofl Not my style mang, Ill be the same old tard haha

Drunken ‘DB-press off’ on my Bday? LOL! You’d beat me for sure.

if you squat, bench, dead, chins, eat right, lift heavy, and train hard… you will feel like a mac truck! that formula will give great gains to anybody

That could end horribly…but Im game :lol

Ive never done squats, and did deads a few times. With my knee being shaky still that shit makes me real nervous. I guess Ill have huge top end like a supra with no low end :rofl

We could die…srs:haha

LOL! but id try to work those muscles as much as your body will let you…the rest of your body will grow more

Can anyone ‘beat’ my horrible genetics?

@210 lbs, I could only rep 25’s on DB press, 10’s or 15’s on DB shoulder press, and as I recall, 25-30 on DB row. 12" arms too.

The numbers that I am posting now are @190LBS

I thought I was bad when I started! You took the cake my man(not bein a dick by any means).

No offense taken whatsoever. To me, it’s all about advancing from where you started, not where you end up. The average person has no idea how big of a role that genetics play in weight training.

Omg yeah, we see genetic freaks at the gym and hate em :lol. I wish I had em, but I guess Im not too bad. I see dudes benching sub 90lb’s on flatbench barbell!!

My max bench on barbell was 95 when I started-yes, one rep.

Oh, I dont hate them, I just hate it when they pretend that it’s ALL hard work and eating, and/or when people think they know everything just because they are big/strong.

deadlifts are great to do on back day, almost a must because of how thick they make your back not to mention the strength and use of most of ur body when doing them, try them out just make sure your form is on

Ridiculous #s. If I ever got halfway through your 2nd warm up set that would be like a life achievement… What is your weight (if you don’t mind people asking)?

Easy there… :lol

lol thanks n no prob im 5’7" i bounce around mon-fri (wen i lift and go on a scale)between 223-230lbs, yesterday am i was 223

ever since last october when i ripped my chest, seems like im not nearly as strong in the chest area. put up 405 for 1 last year, cant touch that right now. i get this really bad sore feeling in my left peck that scares the shit out of me.

my left shoulde/front delt is the same, even after 3 wram up sets and 3 working sets is wen the paint starts to “fade” it sux

yea with that, my hurniated disc and my terrible knees, my small ass frame was not meant for this haha.

but u, short, stocky, powerlifter build. do work! should compete and see what your triple is.

u and carp have that barrel build.