progress thread: 94gt5.0

Jesus you fucking brick shit house

yea but not to sound like a dick, we werent born with it we worked to get it as you haver, just worked at it in diff ways

carp was the same size as you in highschool, im shorter then you both but i was 155 in 12th grade its what ya make out of it

no no, genetics. endo, ecto and mesomorphs. look it up. im surely not a meso or endo. ecto for sure. i graduated HS at 145lbs at 5"11

its easier for some to gain

agreed but theirs ppl my build who cant push the same weights that train just as hard, even ones that arent n/a. its all bs work in the end that tears your body apart

there are some people whos muscle fibers dont all fire but they have a lot of them. non useable muscle.

but there are also small dudes with 15" arms who can outbench 99% of the gym. useable muscle.

think about it in terms of monkeys. they are 10x as strong as the average man but are not overly muscular.

make any sense?

yes but a buch of pp, are bullshitters and use things like this as excuses, its work determination and def diet. or w/e else you decide 2 do. u can kno the book on genetics but it doesnt rly matter, all that matters is then end result, what you make of it

ok here is an example for u

when me and steve use to lift and lift heavy, he was a srs deadlifter. he would dead 580, and 405 for sets of 20 reps. but he was never thick. right?

always maintained to stay lean, but he was huge. and to get thickness u have to do low reps at a weight that is not so easy todo, no matter what the weight. 404 is light for him, drop down to powerlifts, 5 setes of 5 hed be doing close to 500 on set 1 ending close to his max pull on his 5th, all how you decide to train

so u think steve was huge? interesting.

lol yea def. and lean, you dont? or are you offended?

am i offended? haha what?

i mean i know for a fact he was neither but hey maybe im missing something. the biggest he ever was was about 210 thats when he was deading like 565+ and squating like 500. he was far from lean.

he has been leaner but again at that point he was like 180.

well hes def been better then myself, you as far as ive seen n many others

huh im confused.

are u saying that steve plaske is bigger and leaner than us?

from fitnessfactory days, indeed

im leaner then all of you

lol yes u r,my doulble chin outweighs you!

inch to inch i was always a touch bigger than steve if not the same in some areas like arms and legs. his arms were always really lean and always looked really good. maybe thats what u are remembering. other than that ur 100% wrong.

that is what i was refering to, i have no idea what the modern day steve looks like

o. ok well he is about 170lbs and skinny. looks good but he is out of the game and has no intentions on coming back.