progress thread: 94gt5.0

wooooaaaaa buck 70! dayummmm good for him hes smart lol

my definition of huge is 5’10 260+lbs or IFBB status.

big to me is the dude at schenectady who is our age, has a blowout type due and a few tats. like 19" arms and lean as fuck. he is a big dude.

do you guys go to Best?

best in schenectady

LS? goes to albany best

ahh gotcha, yeah, carp loves that place… i really want to get over there in the summer

Carp as in Josh?

Layne Norton is the prime example of decent genetics, HARD WORK, and proper nutrition…

700 LB Deadlift all natty, 115LB DB shoulder press (for reps), 140-150DB flat press (for reps)…ALL NATURAL

Watch that video if you need some motivation…

that would be him

Tell him that Travis from Colgan said hi…

ill be sure to relay the message homie, how do you know him?

Yea me Deadbeat Ls? and Mk4 grew up with Carp

yeah brett has told me a few times, lol. i just have no idea who of you i have met besides brett. josh and i work at GE and are in the same machinist program, hell, i see him more than i see my own brother

im jeff btw, haha nice to meet you

Fuck off Jeff :lol

carps biiigggg, that ricky kid is biig, but my buddy evan i lift with once and a while is huge, closed grip 455, put up 470 after doing 455 and 460, no belt no straps deadlifted 605 yesterday, we are going to a push pull comp in amsterdam sat. hes 6’1" 238 lean youtube Evan Mensing. the biggest by far around in my buddt Franky Vannorden, and strongest do doubt. hes on ben whites powerlifting team and trains with him as well

hello jefffffffff

Wheres the comp at Sat? Id like to check it out and feel tiny :lol


oohhhh its guna make us feel smallllll and weakkkkkkk! Alpin House in Amserico, 10am

:hug lol

Niice! When ya headin up? I may hafta swing up with ya if thats cool