progress thread: 94gt5.0

im heading up with a few guys from alb best sonn i aint drivin due to a broken wheel bearing! ownedddddddddddd im sorry

yeah josh is a tank! ill be there someday…i hope…i did 405 flat bench once…and this thread is making me feel like a weakling haha

405’s no slouch thats a big #

Too bad Ben White is a joke in the bodybuilding community…takes a HUGE game and never backs it up. Got SMOKED by Johnny Jackson at the Olympia at the ‘strongest bodybuilder’ competition. Fuck, lots of all-natural guys deadlift more than Ben.

def. but ben has said in flex hes a huge shit talker because it gets attention put on him, annnnd it workd lol but his bench is serious. we’ll see what #s he puts up in the near future.

Whatever works for him seems like it’d suck to keep failing at what you say you are going to do. He’s got a strong bench-that’s it. What’s funny is that there are plenty of bodybuilders that are stronger than either one of them (Ben and Johnny). As much as I’d like to root for the home team, I can’t.

yea i hear ya, stan efferding kills them both. for jacksons history and experience, hes not impressive anymore. ben has a recored ben of 703 i think? and 505x9. hes a strong dude, shit they are all strong. they better be for what they r puttn in their bodies


I told someone on here that Jay Cutler was on steroids, and he was like “really, you think so”? LOL

There is defiantly a difference between running ‘safe’ cycles and what these guys do-they literally have no concern for their health.

With that said, that’s why Layne Norton is so impressive to me. 675+ deadlift all natty! EDIT-He recently hit 700

lol look at this video of cutler hahaha its monly 25 seconds

and this one if you have 5 mins, def worth it lol well scroll to 2:20

Bogus videos. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to compete as an IFBB pro (in the non-drug tested classes) without AAS, PERIOD.

Guy is diesel

HILAROUS Ronnie video, and (the original without the sounds lol), is one of my favorite videos ever. Ronnie playing with the 200’s like TOYS.

i thought i would let u guys know that the term “NATURAL” is very loosey used.

natural can mean test, HGH and slin only. to a lot of people, thats natural because our body makes it.

lol again another excuse with bodybuilders making a way for them to make it seem like they arent alllll jacked up! hahaha pills or esp. needles are not natural. what ever makes them sleep at night.

Update-300x5 hack squat last night, 95x5 back extension (holding 95 lbs of plates)

75x10 on incline DB press tonight, 65 (plus whatever the ez curl bar weighs) on upright row, 105x12 on T-bar row tonight

u guys are gonna be all jacked up by the time spring rolls around!!

As compared to untrained, yes, but in general, no.


Military Press(Barbell):


  • whatever else we did, thats all thats coming to mind right now :lol


Wide Grip Pulldowns:
175X10(3 sets)

Seated Rows:
180X12(3 sets)

Close Grip Pulldowns:
160X10(3 sets)

Bent Over Rows(Freeweight):

Good work my man, whats your bodyweight right now?