progress thread: 94gt5.0

i cant do chest anymore without it hurting. its weird. feels like something is going to tear. ever since i tore my shit, it hasnt been right

yea i cant take a shower without my shoulder n tendon killn me lol, havent lifted this week cause im sick as fuck fuck my life!

been there, done that!

still a little sick but w/e first day back since fri, did chest n light bi

1 135x15
2 135x12
3 185x10
4 225x8
flat barbell
1 335x5
2 345x5
3 360x5
4 375x5
5 390x5 :o)
incline barbell
1 315x10
2 325x8
3 345x6 :o)
4 225x8
flat dumbell bench
3 sets 110x8
inclince dumbell flys
1 75x10
2 85x8
3 90x8
barbell curls
1 135x10
2 155x8
3 165x8
stillll workn for that 405x5!!!

No one cares DICK

u do since your the first 1 to look/reply…SEAN:excited


No as I want every one to know youre a jerk

ohhhhh st:Idiotspppppp

Ha ha nice smiley usage

lol thought you might like that

So Rich I was putting up 405x6 yesterday flat bench

340x5 hack squat today

i shit 4 times today each one weighing roughly 3-4 lbs

indeed i spotted you but obviously for no reason cause u didnt need it:bowdown

Funny deal…

Over on Supraforums, this dude came into the fitness thread saying that he can DB incline bench 140’s, however he can only BB incline like 225 or so for the same amount of reps. Given the fact that makes no sense, I questioned it, so he posted a video. Dude has 2 people helping him, and is only doing 1/2 reps…

Same dude also said that caffeine is more important than protein powder or creatine…

lmao what an idiot

I feel like there is no good, reliable information from anybody when it comes to physical fitness honestly. Not saying you guys, just in general. Everyone seems to have opinions, most of which contradict everybody elses. It kind of makes my head hurt…

yea it sux, theirs billions of diff workouts diets and info, u just gotta try out things that u like wanan achieve and feel good and work for you. the same foods diets supps and workout never work for the same 2 ppl
