progress thread: 94gt5.0

did shoulders today, ususally never do them after chest cause of over usage but here it is,

warm up 2 sets of lateral raises with 5lb plates n then 4 sets barbell press with 15 reps with 135 and 1 set of 185x8

barbell shoulder press
1 235x5
2 255x5
3 275x5
4 295x5
5 315x5 Finally!!!

barbell upright rows
1 135x8
2 175x8
3 205x8

dumbell side lateral raises
1 50x10
2 55x10
3 60x10

bent over dumbell laterals
1 55x12
2 60x12
3 65x12

barbell shrugs
1 225x12
2 315x10
3 315x10
4 315x8
5 315x8

dumbell shrugs
1 80x10
2 90x10
3 105x10

Holy shit Rich, thats fuckin nuts! Congrats on the 315 Mil Press!!

Side note, I do just as much as you for shrugs! :tongue :lol

80x7 incline DB press today, 80 (plus the ez bar) upright row x10, 135x10 Tbar row

Wrong, sure, you’ll find little things that work for you (mostly training related), but the same basic stuff will work for anyone if followed. Honestly, people put far too much hope into fancy training, and overlook their diet when it (diet) is actually far more important than training style.

haha thanks im very happy for once!! haha n good dont go heavy with shrugs,ve enver done over 4 plates and even that is dumb if u cn old and squeeze! traps are one muscle that need a heavier weight but good form to grow

def diet is 60% mental is 30%(lmao) and training is 10% lol no joke

160% huh rich?

$hit at 160% I’d still be struggling to just get some of those DBs off the rack that you guys throw around hahaha

lmao fixed

was thinking, “damn, rich is super!” haha

lol i was to when i re red it, im like ummmmmm…haha thanks for pointing that out

deadlifts-5th set 545x5

reverse grip barbell row-5th set 350x5

the pull downs and cable row

chest today, bench
1 335x5
2 355x5
3 365x5
4 380x5
5 405x5 clean! finalllly a good pb

1 325x8
2 335x6
3 355x6 then rite to 315x4

and proud! dont be a hater son!

i cant say anything more.


210x5 bench today, not bad considering putting myself to near coma BAC levels on Sat

Got my weekly goal of 235 up Monday for bench

good job son!