progress thread: 94gt5.0

what do ur bis tris n shoulders get hit with? my shoulders and bi’s (tendons) feel like they got hit by a freight train with a billion mach 5 razors on the front

Wouldnt know havent been in months

ur school n wrk sched ftl

ah yup

That used to be my excuse, too. :lmao

Travis, I’ve done everything trust me brag I know. But for me, I do great with volume and big weights.

That’s because your forearm is the size of my thigh :lol

O just an FYI I was benching over 200 when I was 145lbs. So chris when u wanna get big and strong let me know because I will tell u to eat more and train harder

i benched 185@155 in highschool… watch out errrrrrrrrvy body

Pfft I did 185 at 140lbs every one give me a fucking cookie

not now chief


eat this you piece of shit


I just need to get into shape for baseball. I’m not necessarily after big balloon popeye beach muscles… haha.

baseball, you play baseball for who?

nobody at the moment. i want to play for school but im not sure when the tryouts are for Spring

i hear ya, impoortant to have a strong core and not to be too bulky as you need to manuever and shit,

i was a catcher ( and no a semen catcher you asspirates) quit playing last year. was the first year i didnt play in 15+ years. and i miss it, now i coach

heh, im a pitcher. i can play outfield and 1b as well

i hear ya, i started catching junior year in high school and was all area my senior year in hs iirc. after that i played in a few highly competitive leagues. now my knees are so warn out it hurts to squat down. im sure if i worked on it, theyd get better. ill still hit the shit out of the ball anyday of the week haha got that SWEEET lefty swing