progress thread: 94gt5.0

I can bench johnnyk

prlly im a lil squirt

Ive managed to lose 25-30 pounds in the past few months.

I benched 200 for 2 reps last week when I had a spotter. Normally by myself Ill bench 175. Im also shoulder pressing (machine) 170 for 4-6 reps.

My goal is to lose another 15-20 pounds within the next few months. Im not looking to get jacked, just in better shape. Right now Im in the best shape Ive been in since I can remember.

I hate my schedule, F’in my A realll bad

I usually end up going much later than Id prefer to but I still manage to go 5 days a week

Home gym ftw! I’ve got pretty much everything I need right here at home, which is nice because I never liked working out at the gym anyway. Too much of a hassle, especially with school/work/lifes b.s.

for sure home gym is great. i loved it when i worked out, i gotta get back in the habit. neeed motivation

exactly the problem with home gyms. People use them for a little bit and then just stop and never seem to start again

but i hateeeddd working out in public, the wait and other people watching bugged me. they each have their pros and cons. i just need some internal motivation to get back into working out

Seriously man. Im real pissed that I lost alot of the gains Ive made…

I used to be afraid of people watching me and that prevented me from joining sooner than I did but I eventually got over that.

I go right after work so I dont go home and sit on my lazy ass and lose motivation.

Now you get off to people watching you

You don’t know that I know you watch me every night
And I just can’t resist the urge to stand here in the light
You’re greedy eyes upon me and then I come undone
And I could close the curtains but this too much fun

I get off on you getting off on me
I give you what you want but nothing is for free
It’s a give and take kinda life we make
When your line is crossed I get off, I get off

So much left unspoken between the two of us
It’s so much more exciting to look when you can touch
You could say I am different and maybe I’m afraid
But I know how to twist ya to bring you to your knees

I get off on you getting off on me
I give you what you want but nothing is for free
It’s a give and take kinda life we make
When your line is crossed I get off, I get off

But you don’t know but you can’t see
It’s what you forgive out here for me

I get off on you getting off on me
I give you what you want, yeah

I get off on you getting off on me
I give you what you want but nothing is for free
It’s a give and take, kinda life we make
When your line is crossed I get off
I get off, I get off, I get off

i get off on you getting off on me aka gay action

Paul, have you been eating paint chips again?? lol

no but that song seems to play alot on my ipod


Well when u can, let me know and I’ll get ur gains back.

For sure dude, it sucks dick without a lifting partner!

Why don’t you guys just become life partners?:hug