progress thread: 94gt5.0

405lbs reverse grip bent over rows were acomplished last week for 5 reps. was heavy. cool story.

Lol cool story

325x7 squat

So I shot up some 'roids last night.

I can now bench the actual Smith machine itself, as well as the Power Rack WHILE they’re stacked on top of each other.

As for the female attraction, well, let’s just say I, AlpineSkiier, am the Gulf of Mexico and they are the oil.

Dom Deluise? He used to be a chef, on tv, BUT NOW HE JUST SITS AT HOME! WITH HIS ASS, UP HIS ASS!!



335x9 deadlift

365x7 dead



I stopped working out since I can now bench what PJB benches. If Paul increases his #'s then I’ll start again otherwise the hell with it

With a spotter I can bench more than 185 but usually I end up working out alone and dont trust lifting more without a spotter.

Ive increased the weight on a few other machines though.


130 cock push ups last night done with a 3 45lb plates on my back.

damn thats so strong. i curled 315x50 for 3 sets with my pinkies. ill match your cock pushups someday, idk y i cant match them now tho seeing as my range of motions in half an inch:Idiots hahaaa

truf, u speak it :thumbup

1200lbs combined at 260.

bench 300, squat 425, deadlift 475.

bench racing, pop a squat, deadlift is a decent band

Noticed I have a gym membership on my keychain today. Why have I been paying for that shit