progress thread: 94gt5.0

405 reverse bent over rows, doing et tomorrow nigga5

keep that chest out thats all i can say lol it was difficult asa mofooo, makes 315 rows feel like the bar no jizzoke


got 505 for almost 3 on deads last week. did 415 for 2 sets of 8 b4 that. just chalk, no straps…and rich, i know…i need to start wearing a belt



How to face life’s most stressful situations: -> Live life like a dog. If you can’t eat it, And you can’t hump it… Piss on it and walk away

rich you are strong like bull

4 plates/8 reps T-bar row
325x8 deadlift

I weighed myself tonight and I weighed 212.

Ive gone down a size in jeans and some of my 34’s are loose now.

peejay beeeeee good job mang im shrinking my self! 214 this week or should i say weak :Idiots

thanks. My goal is to get down to 195 or so eventually.


  • or - 5lbs of that is where I’m hoping to get by the end of the year. Need to step up my cardio/fatburn a bit and lift less. I’ve made huge gains across the board in terms of all of my lifting but I don’t want to be huge, just not fat :lol

Yeah, I need to gain weight so I’m just going to drink a moderate amount of beer on my off days until I am around 160 or so.


just do alot of steriods like psi2high.


and k20powerzzz
