progress thread: 94gt5.0

Not nearly enough, not even close

but its working for me as far as weight loss goes. Like I said around 30# and I went down a size in jeans

My squats are up to 220 for 8 reps. When I started on 11/1, I could BARELY do 145 for 8 reps. haha

I gained 3lbs since then as well. Wa-hoo.

240x7 bench
315x7 dead/squat

Who are you, CSholtes612?

Nah,just a bro fighting the good fight against people that refuse to train legs or do squats/deads

i just do bicep curls. the rest comes naturally.


Im not huge into weight lifting or anything, but when I did lift, I fucking hated doing legs. Squats just felt wicked unnatural. dead lifts were a little better but I dunno.

loveee deads, used to do heavy deads every week(which is not good to do lol)i do deadlifts every other leg workout. i dont/cant squat nor am doing leg press at the moment cause i dont want big legs just define

Haha, yeah, heavy deads will literally make you dead. :rofl

I have chicken legs, I need all of the leg exercises I can possibly do.


More training does NOT equal size. If your routine has squats/deads, you don’t need any other leg movements at all.

But I like doing leg presses/curls. They help loosen up my bowels so when I come back upstairs I can take a nice, steamy, relaxing dump.

NickAlero has lost about 28lbs this semester so far…overall fitness level is noticeably better.


says who?

since when are deads mainly legs anyway? hams, lower back, traps mainly.

i only do stiff leg deads and dont go heavier than 225. never lock out either and never touch the floor.

lol i do deads on leg day cause my leg workout is so bitch and i love doing barbell rows on back day and it just makes deads sooo hard todo on the same day…end result is im lazy

well barbell rows are all back. lower, inner and upper. mostly thickness. i got back today. my goal is still 405 barbell rows. 375 so far. i think 405 is a ways off though. :frowning:

yea i got up2 405 tripple, felt like i was tryn to rip pavement off central ave…no one will match carps rows…:bowdown475!!!

what? when did he do that?

I did 515 today, so beat that… RICHIT