Project Chuki

Hey guys,

So, the paint is done… im still exhausted from the whole process so take a look at pics and enjoy.

The job was ok, nothing spectacular, nor up to show quality… however, on a serious budget, with the help of 2 friends, and about 3 hrs of a painters time the car went from rust bucket to rust free over the course of 4 full days.

The prep work was great, and I was very pleased, but the painter rushed the job and the result was a few drips in the clearcoat on the front bumper, as well as his stupid ass letting some punk open the door to the paint bay when he was clearing the car. Because of that, some sediment settled in the top layer of the clearcoat and seriously frustrated me… but, to the uncritical eye, its alot better than it was, for a wickedly budget project.

Eventually I am going to shell out some dough and have a really nice job done… but as a functional daily driver and potential track car (post SR) it will work for now. So go easy on the critisism…my nerves are shot from the whole project, haha.

Oh yea, some pics from earlier on in the prep stages will be coming once i get them sent over to me… i didnt have my camera untill she was basically ready for paint.

Thanks to simplemind7 and sidewayz240 for some of the parts… a little jimmy-rig and they all fit.

NOTE: Rims came with the car… waiting to swap to 5-bolt to broaden my horizons.


Primer (note the beautiful peice of art on my passenger window, tape on window mask… a true work of art)

Post paint


looks good.

All that overspray is scary.

It might just be solvent pop, you can sand/polish it out if it is.

yeah giv’er a polish and see how it looks.

What was this max low budget?

Very beatiful, i’m contemplating whether to paint white too…

i need this very bad to. my car is bondo blue, primmer gray, stock black, base flat black, rust red, clean metal silver (chrome yo)

i like having a black car, when ever i get a dent or a scratch i just crack out the sharpie

The overspray is quite rude i agree… but luckily it is in areas that I will be able to remove and repaint black…except for the fuel tank which i will handle seperately.

Anyone have suggestions of where to have it cut and polished? I’ve never wet sanded a new paint job and im not sure if I am wanting to attempt this quite yet.

as for the “max low budget?”, it was indeed that… im by no means well off, so i did what i could with what i had. I was concerned with the condition of the rust on the panels I replaced, so takign care of that was a priority.

Is it factory white?

Factory “Super White” it is…

That passenger door looks familiar, haha.

Looks good man, Clean.