Proper way to drive a manual...

Guys, engines are not for braking. Brakes are for braking.

Rev-matching and downshifting BEFORE corners is for control, balance, and smoothness. NOT to slow the car down.

LOL shut up… I use my engine to brake all the time… saves on pad wear… of course thats normal driving… on the track stopping is only brakes… I just rev match to make it smooth so I’m in gear when its time to hit the gas pedal :slight_smile:

OMG do I love the “saves on pad wear” excuse. Saves on cheap brake pads, wears on expensive clutches.

god this really turned into a dumb arguement… it seems so childish :frowning: lets talk about cornering / passing techniques or something else.

the clutch doesn’t wear if you engage at tranny speed = to engine speed… its a perfect match no wear involved

yeah, but then you usually don’t get much deceleration. Well, not AS MUCH deceleration as if you DON’T rev-match. You get really good deceleration when you ignore the gas and just rip from 4th -> 2nd

umm… your logic is flawed if you think its a good idea at anytime to not rev match into gear…

You get really good deceleration when you ignore the gas and just rip from 4th -> 2nd

Twom please tell me you aren’t being serious

HP+ just allow you to run hotter without fade. More pistons are just for a more even pad squeeze and better feel through the pedal (they won’t stop you any faster)

if you’re not fading your brakes, you can run more tire

if you’re getting fade you can add brake cooling, higher temp range pads, better driving style (in many cases)

bigger brakes are what you do after all other means are exhausted.

dude, I never said that. I also said I never use my engine to brake/decelerate. I use my brakes to brake!

I do however, downshift and brake at the same time, but I have learned to heal-toe in that situation so I don’t demolish my clutch.

you’re going to get a sudden jolt as the tires lockup and the engine red-lines, but you could have had the same results by jumping on the brakes really hard.

on the street and when you’re not trying to drive hard into a corner engine braking is perfectly acceptable.

“they say” - that beginners need all the brakes in the world and as you get better you need less and less… I notice this to be true the more that I drive. I used to be able to fade anything, but now I’m able to do 30 mins at dunnville on whatever stock crap my 328ic had without much fade.

I disagree… at temps… the HP+'s seem to have a much greater amount of friction on the rotors… I mean it could be coincidental… but i feel as if i stop quicker with the HP+'s with less pedal input


and my point is, that there is no point in putting that stress on the engine/clutch. That system is not designed for decelerating a car. If there is some sort on need to do that, USE THE BRAKES!! The pads are fucking cheap, the engine and clutch are not.

thats not the point of using the engine to slow you down…

You don’t just let slam it into gear and YAY!!! surge of stopping power from poor ideas…

you down shift… it puts a higher RPM on the motor (more friction is produced in the motor) slowing you down faster.

I can’t believe i have to say this but… go in your car… put it in second… get up to 30mph, let go of the gas and time yourself from 30mph to 10mph… now do that in 5th gear…

thats what we’re trying to acheive with engine braking … not the clutch slipping like a fucking idiot

now if you are in 5th gear at 2k rpm… and downshift into 3rd (perfectly revmatched you wear the clutch very little or not at all) and you stop faster with no application of brakes… (yes using your brakes only will stop you faster…)

I agree, but you get the same(or better) results from USING YOUR FUCKING BRAKES though.

I think we are in agreement here, but I just don’t see the point in putting undue stress on your powertrain. It’s not cheap stuff to fix, brake pads are dirt cheap.

I’m just gonna spend the rest of the day debating with my driveway… I’m sure the driveway is far more intelligent

I am just stubborn

Like I said, we are in agreement with everything. I agree if you rev-match the downshift, you won’t wear the clutch. I also agree that the engine will provide a decent amount of stopping power. I just prefer to use my brakes when I slow down, so that I am not putting that much stress on drivetrain parts.

LOL there is less drive train stress than accelerating LOL it’s basically coasting from a higher rpm LOL


So much fail in this thread :picard:

the best thing to do is practice in a parking lot,

i had really NO CLUE at all how to drive stick, i couldnt figure out how to put it in 5th :lol: 75 @ 6k is not fun on zee highway

i would just cruise around town for 2 hours and practice driving lol

i still suck on the 3-2 rev match tho :meh:

I wouldn’t disagree with you there either. Just personal preference I guess. Would rather give the poor engine and tranny a brake(see what I did there?).

lol. are you fucking retarded?

ever drive next to a semi truck?
ever drive in an allison 6speed?
