Proposed development on Maple UPDATE: 6/3 Approved by town board

I really liked the sound of this until I got to this part…

Grassy medians would be added to Maple Road to slow traffic and create a welcoming boulevardlike setting, he said.

WTF?!?! Amherst has pretty much no east-west routes that aren’t congested at rush hour, and you’re going to take one of the major ones and force a slow down? :bloated:

Still, take out the stupid median idea and it sounds like a pretty cool project.

EDIT 6/3/2008:
Updated project plans can be found here:

As stated later in the thread, I’m 100% for this now.

the same idea (median) was milling about with regards to main st willyville. people cried and cried, using the same argument. The same people failed to realize that Main was never meant to be a 50mph+ heavily commuted route, it just happened that way because the thruway system is overtaxed with all of the sprawl.

And, I would’ve rather seen Ciminelli take that space, for aesthetic reasons.

Lastly, nice concept.

Thats really all that I have to add to this thread.

so theyre going to add to the bullshit that already sits vacant on maple???



so theyre going to add to the bullshit that already sits vacant on maple???



What’s vacant on Maple between NFB and Transit?

I don’t care about past NFB going East, because that’s Tonawanda and from the sounds of it from the other thread all they want to build is projects to bring their crime rate up. :wink:


What’s vacant on Maple between NFB and Transit?

I don’t care about past NFB going East, because that’s Tonawanda and from the sounds of it from the other thread all they want to build is projects to bring their crime rate up. :wink:


Off the top of my head: Bennigans, Smokey Bones, and Hooters.

Oh, and recheck your map. Tonawanda is to the west of NFB.


Off the top of my head: Bennigans, Smokey Bones, and Hooters.

Oh, and recheck your map. Tonawanda is to the west of NFB.


Smokey Bones closed? That didn’t last long. I guess shitty BBQ isn’t a big draw. That hamburger joint right next door seemed to be doing well, though I’d take a fud’s burger over theirs any day.

And yeah, can’t believe I got E-W mixed up.

That strip is doing very well though and NFB is pretty much over capacity now so targeting that land on Maple is a great idea. Just don’t fuck up the traffic part of it because WNY is a car town, and always will be.


No mention if the new plans still include royally fucking up Maple by turning into a 1 lane each direction 35mph zone.

im ALL FOR Maple getting repaved…i purposely avoid that street because its in such bad shape. medians…ehhh if they made it really wide like the one on Main st where it passes over the 290 or like Sheridan, then ok. i dont think they would be that big of an issue as long as there were places to make turns into the major places like the golf courses, pepsi center and whatever this Benderson place ends up being. theres really not much else there.

Orignal article is borked what does the Towne Centre actually include, turning maple into two lanes is fucking retarded. Sheridan and main are congested as it is maple flows relatively nicely.

:bloated: Bones had good food


The new plans are up.

I checked out the open house last night and I’m now 100% on board with this project. This will be a great addition for Amherst.

wow :tup:

Yeah, that’s what I said when I saw the new plans. It’s a great blend of commerical, residential, and green space. They’re going to tie it into the existing bike paths, and leave room for two possible entrances out the back side to Millersport should traffic become an issue. All this with ZERO handouts from taxpayers and as a bonus they’ll cleanup that lead filled lot that really can’t be used for anything in it’s current state.

I would take Buffalo traffic any day of the week over LA traffic

couldn’t have said it better.

its just to add something there. Its so “blah” when i drive past that area. Hopefully this will do the trick.

I wonder how many local contractors Benderson will screw with this deal.
They should just change their name to Virticon.

i love maple… and the stategic placement of manholes and grates that you are forced to drive over in the right hand lane…


It got approval last night 4-3 from the Amherst Town Board. The board was split 3-3 so Satish was the tie breaker.


But of course, this is WNY, so the people who didn’t get their way have to sue.

Opponents say they plan a lawsuit to stop the effort before shovels hit earth.

Looks good.
This plus the Pepsi Center right there (if I’m thinking of the right place) should work out well for that area.

Plus downtown improving. Move the Bills to the city and I would be really happy.

What a shock, Ward and Bucki, along with their new buddy Manna were the no votes.