proposed str33t rac3: dkid v shady

Don’t want to make a new thread, but I’ve got a race for you guys too. It’s a PR car, but it’s not from around here… should run pretty similar to you guys. Races will just be for fun.

and if the PR loses he stabs the winner, right?

you’re horrible :rofl :rofl

What time you guys coming to my house?

no, we’ll just key your truck and gash the tires.

I could use new tires and since thats vandalism I think insurance covers it.

I can definately do without the keying though- the paint is almost perfect.

Pros and cons both ways. What size turbos are you running? T25’s?

No, he will continue to be an average person and NOT collect Hotwheels cars

Im just going by the typical PR street racers Ive seen

I’m just bustin on you, but really he’s my friend from southern NY. They do things a bit differently down there. The cars look the same, but the attitudes are different.

Maybe if he’s on our side he can talk some sense into the fucking idiots in the lower lot.

Yeah he’s on our side and agreed to be the PR PR (Peurto Rican Public Relations) guy


It’s good to have a translator around

Yeah, sure is. Now we might be able to find out what theyre saying about us.

I wish I took Spanish in school. Id be able to understand the Mexicans at work and the PR’s. Actually Id probably have forgotten everything I learned by now anyway.

A few things id like to post:

  1. i am going to be heading down to the lot
  2. sure shady id go for a friendly run from a roll also want to see petes tdi run the rabbit? Fairbank still wants to go pete
  3. I dont really feel comfortable doing it at the extension due to last weeks happenings.
  4. I clicked on pjb’s sig where it say he hacked ryans autodetail and the site really doesnt work

I have 7 years of spanish under my belt, you protect me and ill translate all you want. lol

caus he didnt actually hack it, retard. some people actually have senses of humor

and im still not sure why my website being hacked is a matter of hilarity to you. click the link in my sig, it’s back up and running again, much to your disappointment :facepalm

When the knives come out fuck translating

What happened last week that youre so scared about? Some drunk idiot breaking a mirror? Is that really it? I didnt watch the races there and got stuck talking to a weird Asian guy.

I made my sig as a joke, much like he’s got my pic for an avatar

ok then we shall see. i got excited and thought you reall hacked his website lol