PRP tech for TNT nights, simple noob questions.

Got a couple questions for someone that’s never been to the strip

-what kind of extra equipment is needed? helmets required or is that just over a certain speed/et?

-I was told my open dump off my wastegate won’t pass tech, will it?

-I have a crack in my windshield, I’m thinking they won’t let me run with that, will they?

-I have a couple of my turn signals held in with duct tape, will that matter?

-Pretty sure I’ll need a battery hold down bracket over a bungee cord, but hey might as well ask you guys?

I’m going to try and fix the dumb shit above, but I want to know what else is commonly overlooked by newcomers. I don’t want to drive all that way and be not allowed to run.
I’ve been intching for a time slip after the flashlights got me curious what this pos will do.

Sorry if this is in the wrong section, thanks guys.

Helmets required if you run faster then 13.99
open dump is fine
if the crack would not pass a typical inspection it probably won’t pass there. it all depend on who you get
probably would not matter, but fix it for christ sake
bungee cord would probably pass, but use a zip tie at least

they won’t kick u out for not having a helmet, they will complain though.

i should be there on this friday’s tnt, you can borrow mine when you go down the track, as long as you don’t have greasy hair. i have a big noggin though

thanks danhr! I actually may try to make it out tomorrow if I can get a windshield in before then. It may pass but I don’t want to risk it, my inspection guy seems pretty lenient sometimes so I can’t go by the fact it has a sticker.

Thanks guys!

They wouldn’t let me run because I had a DOT helmet instead of a snell rated. That was a couple years back. Not sure if they’re still as strict. Also made me unhook my bottle because the line was inside the car.

I went tonight, they barely popped my hood and let me go. I didn’t have a helmet but they didn’t say anything. Hell there were people running with passengers

best was a 13.69 @ 111.44
I’m amazed the fucker held together with the abuse I throw at it daily. Tranny is a touchy sometimes, I missed a few shifts BAD. Got a few parts lying around waiting to go on, maybe raise the boost next time :clit:

next time say hi douche bag

what car was urs stenseltizm ?

Did the weather hold out?

How many runs did you get?

we were going to go but bitched out due to weather.

11 runs in

weather was really nice


:kekegay: and he only paid 25 bucks, and got timeslips to go with it…

lol…yup it was taking about 30-45 mins to complete a round …only lanes 1 & 2 and a little of 3 were takin…and maybe like 20 slick cars

holy crap!!!
i was wondering when i i was watching hte vids why there was so many runs!!
that has to be new record for there

god damnit… I was gonna go but didnt want it to be the typical $25 for 2 runs and then rain song and dance.

and to top it off, they closed the track early (like at 9:40)

had they gone until 10:30 like they were suppose to, I could of gotten atleast 3 more runs in.

Dan i’m pretty sure it was after 9:40, but by the time they ran the slick cars…it would been around 10-10:15ish, which y they prob didnt want to do another round

I called you at 10:00, and before I called you I had stopped to get gas, and had driven past 286. that’s atleast a 15 mins drive, considering I was going slow and was getting passed by everyone.

I chatted with a couple folks, but I dont’ know anyones car enough to recgnize em. Next time.

Solow: my car was the shitty red integra with the duct tape blowin smoke with the shitty driver missing a few gears lol.

I didn’t get there till 8 and I still got like 6 runs in

i remember watch’n u run, i was standing right up against the guardrail on the left lane recording