PS3 vs. XBOX360 v.*a number n*

Now that shocking… Sony would never copy anyone else’s idea… :bloated:

lol ^

Microsoft was pretty original with their Windows program…oh wait.

Nintendo is doing the same thing with their market place. They don’t get shit for it though because its Nintendo and everyone is hoping they do well.
Anywho, I’ll have to do a little write up of 360 Vs. PS3.

oh god.

Comparing the two is begging the question a bit, don’t you think? The foundation of business and computer for most users is Windows which Microsoft did “barrow” from Xerox (Mac stole it from them too) way the fuck back. However, you can’t really say “stole” in terms of the online service between Sony and Microsoft because there isn’t really an intelligent alternative.

the built in wireless is a huuge advantage for the PS3, i’m actually quite suprised MS hasn’t updated the 360 w/ it

the wireless adapter is only an extra $100…

yeah i agree, i have the wireless adaptor for it, not the ms one and it works great, but builtin would of been better tho.

yeah for the ms one, i got mine for 35 bucks.


True, but I prefer the option to use most any external wireless adapter that I choose. Plus not having to pay upfront for it if I’m not going to use it.

Put simply… both are evil empires, but the guys are SCEA are cocky schmucks who refuse to understand that something better will (if not already has) come along. Microsoft, on the other hand, has listened to their customers and reacted accordingly.

All it shows is that there are few innovators in the industry.
For as much as I don’t like Sony, they do seem to come out with some innovative products, but they make everything proprietary so they can cash in on accessory purchases but in the end they just kill themselves and piss people off.

thats the thing tho, sony is not innovative at all, they steal others shit and claim it to be innovative.

Lets say more specifically, Sony Computer Entertainment steals shit and claims it as their own. I am sure that other divisions in Sony have come up with innovative material… even if it does fall flat on its face. Ken Kutaragi and his team though… not an original idea in the books. The Playstation isn’t even original. It started off as the fabled add-on disc drive for the N64… hmm…

only an extra $100 :lol: so after the HD DVD upgrade and the wireless upgrade you’ve outspent the PS3 fanboys and still have a smaller hard drive

meh i have my place wired so wireless isn’t important to me, I feel better using a hardwire anyway.

psssst…I think he was being sarcastic.


SNES, after the Sega-CD flopped Nintendo bailed. Sony saw a chance and took it and for the most part it worked out well.

I never did understand why people are so hung up on why one HAS to be better. I dislike Sony like quite a few other people, but once the content comes along it could be a solid system. Currently as it stands no, but then again every Playsation launch to date has been pretty weak. And even then it’s impossilbe to definatively say one is better because everyone has different tastes.

I’m sure there is at least a total of one person in the world that thinks the 3DO or vectrex, and some other obscure system was god’s gift to man. If launches dictated how good a console ends up selling/being, then by all means the Dreamcast would have been deemed the King of all the land. You can’t base success based on less than a month of sales/titles.

As it stands MS is making a good attempt at trying to do what the customer wants. Sony is appealing to the techno-nerds out there with a lot of new technology at quite a large risk. And Nintendo is trying to appeal to an entirely new market that doesn’t necessarly include hard-core nerds at a risk, but even if it doesn’t sell that well they will be getting a profit out of it anyways.

You are correct sir. Try to multi-task at work and post at the sametime = brain fried :banghead:

People get hung up because they like to argue, plain and simple. A very good point though. As I’ve said numerous times, I know that I will end up owning a PS3, I’m just not in a rush to do so. The biggest reason that I dislike Sony is their cocky attitude. I’ve got my dislikes of Microsoft as well, but Sony far out weighs those dislikes.

All in all, both the 360 and the PS3 have the potential, they just need the software to take advantage of it… and with a year head start, MS already has a lot going for the 360 and plenty more to come.

What I meant so say when I said better tech. was more storage capacity.


Blu-ray format holds 25 gigabytesto 50 gigabytes of data with additional capacity possible to 200 gigabytes. HD-DVD holds 15 gigabytes to 30 gigabytes with a maximum of 60 gigabytes. The content partnerships favor Blu-ray, which has all of the major movie studios, except for Universal Pictures, backing it along with consumer electronics and computer companies LG Electronics, Panasonic, Samsung, Apple and Dell. HD-DVD has Universal Pictures in its corner along with Intel and Toshiba. A few industry players, such as Hewlett-Packard, Paramount and Warner Bros., have pledged support for both formats.

(taken from Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD: Knocking Each Other Out? -