They had to remove the potential for future disease because of the FDA, bu they’re working on getting them back. I’ve have friend use it and it was insanely accurate
my company does a thing called blueprint for wellness, it’s offered by some other employers, it’s a bunch of blood tests telling you what to look out for. It’s really great and gives you a good picture of your health. Surprisingly, my liver is a-ok!
im a psychic. Come give me $100 and I’ll tell you everything!
They are EXPERTS at reading your facial and body expressions. They throw key words out at you trying to trigger some sort of response. Once they get some feedback from you, they dig a little deeper into that path with some more triggers, and the casual participant falls hook, line and sinker.
The ones on Oprah and other talk shows are massive scammers. I saw a inside clip at some of the background work that they do. They know days or weeks ahead the exact seats that audience members will be sitting in, and they find information on them. Then when the show airs, they simply target those “random” people and blurt out shit that they got from the background check.
If you want a reading, come see me at work. After a few minutes I’ll give you a full reading. I’ve been bartending long enough to predict your future as good as any of them.