Public Education System

Look, I know you’re never going to pass laws to ban people from having children. The whole reason I brought that up was to illustrate the point that the system is only broken because far too many people have kids that shouldn’t.

I understand the concept of social responsibility. I’d love to see all children grow up to be successful members of society. My problem is the fact that liberals seem to live in this fairy tale land where if everyone is given the chance and the money they will be successful. I’m sorry, but there are a lot of people out there who want to do nothing and have the rest of the world carry them along. Those are the people I don’t want one cent of my taxes going to support. The single mom who made a mistake, but is trying her best to teach her kid right and wrong, hoping the kid will have a better life… no problem, lets help them. But at the same time lets cut off the 3rd generation welfare family who has done nothing but mooch off the system with no hope of ever getting off, because they raise each generation to think it’s the right thing to do. Cut them off and then there is a WHOLE LOT more money to help the people who deserve the help, and who will actually take advantage of it.

And LOL at the guy thinking China is a good model to follow. You can’t compare apples and oranges. If you want one part of their society, you need the whole thing. Let me know how flushing baby girls plays on CNN.