Public Education System

Joestypes wrote, “You very simply have no sense of social responsibility, at all.”

It was direct at me as he quoted a statement I made.

When you made that statement were you refering to…

The annual charity event I just hosted and organized 2 days ago that generated over $12,000.00 for Child & Adolesent Treatment Services?
Or were you refering to the St. Paddy’s day party I hosted and organized that generated thousands of dollars for CATS?
Or were you refering to the piles of money I give my church?
Or were you refering to me helping my employees when and how I can?
Or were you refering to me helping my friends when they ask?
Or were you refering to me helping my family when I can?
Or were you refering to the thousands of dollars I have given to veterans charities?
Or were you refering to the thousands I have given to The Boys & Girls Club?
Or were you refering to the hundreds of cookies, candy bars, and raffle tickets I have purchased?
Or were you refering to the money I have given to employees that have given birth to a child?
Or were you refering to the hundreds of other similarly socially irresponsible things I have done?

I guess because none of the above listed were government organizations I have no sense of social responsibility.:bloated:
I guess I should have given that money to some bloated, inefficient government organization.:bloated:

You say A LOT of dumb things but that one hit a nerve.

Joe maybe if you had to work at least one hard day in your life you wouldn’t be so quick to tell everyone to give THEIR money to the government.
You remind me of the limousine liberals like Babs.
When your ivory tower comes crashing down you better hope the government is there to help you because I have a feeling you couldn’t handle it on your own.