So you support all these organizations that help unfortunate children and their families, yet you blame the gov’t for supporting the same children and families…
AND THEN you say that the gov’t is conditioning these people to accept these handouts…but you don’t think the charities you give money to do the same?
Do you hate the word “tax” so much that no matter what good tax money can do you’re just against it?
How can you be for nationally and locally funded charitable organizations, yet against drawing smaller amounts from a MUCH larger pool to create a huge amount of funds to educate the youth of America??
I particularly like that you’re raising money for child health care services, yet don’t want state/federally funded health care programs to cover every child in America…to provide services such as mental health care… :meh:
Why are you giving money to veterans groups? Seriously. Oh wait, yeah that’s because our government doesn’t take care of it’s veterans.
Most charities that exist shouldn’t have to. A social charity means the government has failed to care for the citizens. Sure there are exceptions but anything that has to do with healthcare or education shouldn’t have to exist.
You say that government programs are bloated and inefficient…yet instead of reforming them, you’d rather do away with them.
Is it that you would rather have 100% control over what social investment programs get your money? Even though that would mean that funding for underprivileged youth would be a small fraction of what it is now…
Let’s say you donate $20,000/yr to charitable organizations…that would be enough to put oh like 2.5 kids through a year of private school without government funding of education…I would imagine that since around 1/2 of all school aged children are in single parent homes that such a cut off of funding would mean a lot of those children aren’t going to school. I suppose we could have “discount” schools funded by companies like Wal-Mart though, because that would be fucking great for our country…but hey, you might have another couple grand in your pocket to donate to charity.
As for your Ivory Tower comment…who was president of Springville Mfg. Co before you? Was it…a family member?
Oh and seriously, I’ve been working since I was 16 full time every summer and at least 20/hrs wk during HIGH SCHOOL and I’ve worked at least 30 hrs/week since I started college…and now I have a fairly substantial posistion in the company I work for…So blow me…is it my fault I’ve been able to get jobs that didn’t require I bust my ass lifting heavy shit? I don’t think so.
And PS - My parents haven’t paid my bills (on purpose) for a few years but hey, thanks for playing
Yes, because 99% of the people on government assistance programs are just milking the system :bloated: I never said gov’t programs are perfect…but that the programs are necessary. I’m sure you could pay less in taxes if the money was spent and managed better. Well maybe not now since we have that 290 billion dollar war to pay for…
The War In Iraq Costs
Instead, we could have hired 96,741 additional public school teachers @ $100,000+ for 20 years.
Instead, we could have insured 173,788,194 children for one year. That’s over twice the ammount of children under 18 in america
Damn I wish we couldn’t run deficits…because then people would figure out that the tax cut isn’t a cut in taxes just a delay in paying them…plus interest
Oh hey, how much did you guys get from your tax cut? Because you owe $2,379 for the war in Iraq…and yes, that is per tax payer.