pulled over on my bike..questionnn

so today i was driving and i weaved in my lane to miss a bump.keep in mind i stayed in the white and yellow lines… and a trooper behind me pulled me over for “weaving” WTF!!! i was so pissed she just wasted my time…and she ended up givin me a ticket for no inspection…which was my fault…but weaving in your lane on a bike is illegal? since when??

There were all sorts of peoples of uniform around tonight.

I could see weaving being along the lines of wreckless driving or something.

yes, but i did not leave my lane at all…i was swerving to miss a big pothole

she pulled you over for a BS reason hoping to find something else she could get you for.
It worked.
That’s one of APD’s favorite techniques

Indeed, and according to the out of date drivers manual I have. No it’s not illegal.

i got 2 tickets today. they were fucking everywhere…

I got a ticket for being someones passenger :tup: I feel your pain

How so?

*im guessing no seat belt.
what the fuck is wrong
with this computer…

i am not entering these asterisks they are showing up th*emselfs. **SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK!

stop spilling shit on your keyboard.

Just get ur inspection done and reciept that it has been and it’ll probably get dropped.

i got pulled over for weaving, its just a reason to pull you over to check for

license credentials
etc etc etc… yes they can do it…

just be careful and dont give them a reason to pull you over… or write a ticket…

cops are lame… o well

:word: While swerving to avoid a hazard is good driving skill and legal, it also makes it justifiable for a cop to pull you over to give you a shakedown. “Your honor, the defendent was swerving side to side and thus appeared to be intoxicated.”

well… I guess I could see her side of it (maybe she wasnt aware that you were avoiding a pothole?). I had a guy on a bike earlier this year not check his blindspot and came INCHES from nailing my front bumper with his rear wheel when he changed lanes, I had to lock my brakes up and almost caused a pileup on the 198 :tdown:

sorry to hear though man… just be careful out there