Pulled over?

Not yet.

Penut Butter

why are we bragging about being fuckups? getting tickets isnt a dick measuring contest.

I got pulled over for DWB.

driving while black?:ponder

driving while buying a new car so he can sell the perfectly functional/practical one he has now.

ive been pulled over all at the same time for exhaust, speeding, no directional, no seatbelt, and cell phone thought i was fucked, turns out i knew the cop he let me go :slight_smile:

got pulled over first ticket ever right in front of my house

gotten an exhaust ticket on halloween with about 4 30 racks and 2 bottles of liquor in the back seats with my trashed ass friends

recently got pulled over for no seatbelt and speeding turns out i knew the cop again :slight_smile:

connections sure pay off

Old as hell, but still funny :lol

Like your one to talk.

Battlefield |
±—> Travis content.

JUST incase you forgot cupcake :tongue

which violates forum rules being that its bashing a member but i guess people look the other way on that because its me. hey whatever. whatever gets u off at night. im flattered ur obsessed with me so much to have dedicated a sticky to me. im sure u make momma proud.

I showed her earlier and she was laughing…

at you.

Damnit!!! I can get pulled over for that?!

r u male or female :excited

Last time I checked… I was a girl. looks again Yeah, tee-taw’s and a kitty!!! :ahh

easy johnny… she knows how to handle a firearm…

thread -> trashbin where it belongs.


its not bashing, its just a bunch of information on you.

exactly, its a public service announcement.