pulling my subframe

ok im going to pull my sub frame out to get sand blasted and power coated. and install solid bushings… but anyways…

my question is how many people have actually broke there sub frame bolts.

and if you havent what did u do before u removed the bolts? did u use heat? liquid wrench?


I would use as much lube as you can, i broke on of mine on my beater and now only have three connected

peter. u know i broke mine. use lots of lube. let them soak for days in lube. then i would use some sort of heat on them to warm them up and get the metal red hot. then use an air gun instead of a hand wrench to get it off quick and easier. guaranteed not to break if u do all that.

I broke 1 or 2 of mine in my parts car trying to get the subframe out. But have done like 4 or 5 more successfully without breaking any of them not using heat or anything. Depends on the car really.

If they break is there any way to repair them or are you pretty much screwed? I’m doing this soon as well, so I’m glad this got posted up

Anytime I’ve done it, I’ve used an impact wrench. Nothing else.

if its a s14 i would worry more about the front studs because they are lower and are full of rust, i broke myns tightening it lol. put some wd40 like a few days before you decide to open it just to get as much rust and what not off.

you would have to weld another one on.

u do not weld another one in. this is incorrect.

To do it properly u cut into the floor underneath the rear seats for the first two bolts, and another area for the other two. After u cut into the floor in the right place u will see the subframe bolt. They are punched in and require tonnes of pressure to get them out. I grinded the head of the bolt off mine, then i use a hammer to snap it and get it out. I had a replacement bolt cut out of a friends parts car. He cut out the entire section so i just had my dad use his press machine at work to get the new bolt out. Put the new bolt in the old hole(the bolt is basically punched in so it will not spin when u tighten the nut) and it was good to go.

thats how u properly replace a subframe bolt

yea u dont need to weld when you replace it, in the s14 the stud has two welds on it though and its also pressed in, so you have to torche the welds off and then take a impact hammer and hammer from the bottom of the car, but you dont need to remove the subframe to hammer up.

how about this…?

i noticed when u jack up the sub frame itself there is some play with the bushings.

if u jacked the subframe up. then loosened the bolt would that be better?

because you are taking the stress off the bolt?

yea just jack from the dif its attached to the subframe so its gonna take all the sstress off the bolts so you can open them easy. sinse your putting solid bushing you should just throw them in the freezer before you start so you can pop them in easily when you got the old ones out.