pure glycol in rad?

alright so heres the deal i can get my hands on some pure glycol (sp?) so i want to put it in my rad, whats the mixture i should put in or should i do it at all? discuss.

thanks in advance for the help

im not quite sure of the properties of pure glycol however i wouldnt recomend

it. Ethylene glycol (green) has been around for years and years and works

perfectly fine, so why not use it?

As for the mix i like 60/40 (coolant to water) but 50/50 is perfectly fine. to my

knowledge you dont want to pour in 100% simply because its thicker and

wont flow as good. also, mixing in the water keeps it from turning to goo in

your rad (and block etc) and plugging it up.

pure glycol is not good, slow flow, and not the best for heat transfer.

water does a better job. that’s why if you ever overheat or loose lots of coolant, just dump pure bottled water in.

preferably use 50/50 mixture and you’ll be fine. 60/40 glycol to water is more recommended for winter and 60/40 water to glycol for summer.

just use 50/50 mixture

pure glycol is pure like its 100% glycol, its the same thing as ethylene glycol but without all the additives and such… im not saying im going to pour in pure glycol cause thats bad im going to use glycol and water but insted of the green glycol ill use the pure shit, its no different its just… pure? lol and i know what the cooling system dose and i know what will happen if i fill it with all glycol and no water all im asking is if i use 25% pure glycol and 75% water will that do anything bad? iv been told no but i wanted to get a second opinion on the matter dose anyone know that? basicly is there anything in the Ethylene glycol that the motor needs thats not in pure glycol?

Well, manufacturers like prestone, ac delco etc add in stuff which is actually

beneficial for the vehicle. Things like anti-oxidizing agents and detergents to

help keep rust, and other build-ups from happening. It also will have a longer

life then pure glycol.

i use my hose…then add the green stuff
no need to used bottle’d water…geeez i dont even drink bottled water

its not a ferrari