pure sex

a shipment of LS7Rs

how did u get pics of inside my pole building?

cause i got skillz

OMG that is beautiful!!!



I don’t have anything to put one of those in, but I’ll take one just for the sheer beauty.

Paul, the 510 is calling.

wow!!! that thing is beautiful

that monkey?

thats what a lsx motor should look like… that byfar is my favorite lookin motor…well cept for the Zr1

no…the engine…and all this time i thought it was a squierell ?

please leave



wow :eek4:

So… which one’s yours? Haha

I want one…All that C/F looks sweet.

it may be a powerful motor, but it looks like ass. any carbed motor looks a billion times better.

seeing the motor>seeing covers

its not really a cover, its part of the individual runner setup, lookin like this

the cover comes later…like this