pussy cat dolls in dennys?

was this the one on genesse by the airport

same with R&B, Rap, hip Hop, emo/indie rock…it all sounds the exact same. They are not origional at all.



all metallica/def leopard/ac/dc songs are interchangable


yeah. ok. :smash2:

Ok, you tell me one “artist” from any of those categories that will still be round in 15 years with just as strong of a fallowing. You can’t, because there won’t be. If a new rap “artist” comes out and you hear all their songs, then you hear a totally new song by them, unreleased, that they do not tell you who it is, you will not be able to tell who it is by the way they sound. Look at Korn, if you hear a song by Korn on the radio, you know its them because they have a distinct sound, then look at people in the R&B and Rap genera …they are spitting out new artists left and right that have no talent at all, nor do they sound remotely original.

like metallica is now. :bloated:


Even if you don’t like Metallica, they do have their own sound. They were/are original. You can not compare a classic metal band like Metallica to these new people like Yung Buck or Mike Jones. in 10 years people will be like…Yung what, Mike who?

i don’t even listen to hip hop, and i can tell the difference between artists.

  1. just by the voice you can tell who it is
  2. the sound, usually is characteristic with the producer…
  3. hmm a familiar voice with an X producer sound… its pretty easy to tell

not at all

this is the stupidest argument ever

how can you say metallica is original when dave mustaine wrote lots of their songs, and he’s in megadeth now

:word: which is why I’m done. I have stated my opinion…nuff said.

wow :bloated:, you do know he was only in the band for a short while then was kicked out. He was booted before they did the studio recording of Kill’em All, which was heir first studio recording. I don’t see how you can call that lots of their songs but ok. Oh yeah, btw, James Hetfield was/is their main music writer.

and he is a dog kicker…

Shortly after that, on another drunken night, James Hetfield kicked Mustaine’s dog and received a punch in the face in return: this was the last straw for Hetfield.

i’m jsut kind of bias to dave mustaine, so the whole opinions thing, i take his side… metallica would be much much better with him


Yeah ok, Metallica>******** Megadeth. Don’t get me wrong, I like Megadeth, but Metallica blows them out of the water.

Im with ya on that one


I would have had no clue who they were.


Are you really this dumb? If YOU hear korn on the radio, YOU know exactly who it is right away. A shit load of people will not. You dont listen to any hip hop or r&b, so why the fuck would it sound familiar to you?

The correct response to this question is - Yes.