You seem to have to defend yourself everyday on this forum because someone is calling you a scammer or something of the sorts… I don’t see any of the other REPUTABLE vendors or sellers on the forums having to do that. I wonder why that is?
You cash refunded some coilovers… good for you is that supposed to make everything okay?
Anyways my post was not directed at you, I don’t beleive I named names… but since you stood up you must have felt attacked? Why? Guilty or something?
Regardless as I said people should be more careful of scammers, and if you don’t know what your looking at then don’t buy it.
You can’t just trust people on there word any more. There word could be worth less then a pulled kat project or they could just not know wtf they are talking about in the first place.
Ps Tim… your a douche canoe and please refrain from speaking to me unless spoken too on the forums.