ive got my fingers crossed for the 16th
Gotcha. What I meant was that the data cost was an additional one and not a plan price.
My biggest beef with PDA phones is the phone part is rather lackluster. I have issues answering calls when the phone screen is off sometimes. I also have issues with the phone knowing there is a call but it won’t let me answer it before 3 or so rings. I thinks is a combination of:
A) Cheap windows mobile device (the Treo IMO is built better than the XV6700).
B) Poorly integrated phone into the XV6700
C) Windows Mobile 5 in typical MS fashion is full of holes and bugs.
the 7130 is def. a phone more than a pda
so far so good. I dont know how i used to fuction without a pda
Im posting from it now i just have to figure out how to sync it and get my e-mail on it
ugg…give it to me, I’ll set it up you retard
I mean seriously 2 months ago you were smart…you buy a TDi then just hit the shitter
Fuck this thing. its turned off on me like 4 times now and the battery is full Im taking it back
And its not on auto shut offe
my bro bought a treo and it was a POS, it shut off ALL the time and would freeze up and he had taken it back in less than a week
so, I got a new Q and it doesnt’ shut off my first one was defective