hmmmmmm Sat I dont have anything planned jay txt me 9570three7seven
Not sure who’s all going but spam16v and a few of his buddy’s will be there.
KB is starting to check sound levels. If they think you are to loud they will pull you in the tech area and check. 98db is the limit.
Yeah I’m screwed
my stocker blaster should be fine. putting that limit on toys sucks for the guys with monster machines
They don’t really check. I was there over memorial weekend. The employees I was riding with had louder machines…
KB still doesn’t allow trikes as far as I know. Sucks I can’t bring the 350X out.
Should be there with him. They havn’t checked anyone that I’ve seen yet. They said they have it just in case, but they don’t really care unless a neighbor complains about a specific machine.
My muzzy exhaust is rated for 94 db’s at 4k rpm’s with the quiet core so i’m not worried. I got a friend that will probably will be with me, he’s got a can-am ds 650.
Guys, my brohter picked up a quad the other day and I will be getting one this week. Just wondering where people ride and what trails are legal and not legal to ride on.
Unless you go to an ATV Park. Consider it illegal.
Got the oil seal changed on the Kawasaki last night. Only ran it for a few mins because it was late but it seems to be holding fine and there wasn’t any spots on the floor this morning. I’m ready to rock tomorrow.
Really? So then why bother register and insure it?
What about snow mobiles that go through Niagara County, they have trails. Theres nothing like that for quads?
Nope, NYS blows. Not that you didn’t already get that. There is trails, but nothing legal and organized like the asked trails. I only insure my atv. I’m not registering it unless nys gets a trail system. People allow atvs on there property as long as your respectful, but this is a property by property thing. Most people love snowmobilers and hate atvs.
I think it mainly has to do with farmers crops but people also don’t want to hear atv’s when they are outside enjoying the weather.
Man that sucks! So then why do they want you to register them?
Theres gotta be a way to do the same thing the snowmobiles do. I mean like “team up” and get it legal
Yea, I could see people not wanting to hear quads while BBQ on their deck
Ride KB tomorrow.
wont be ready for tomorrow =(
How often do they do this / who else does something like this
Just googled WNY ATV and found Area 51 in Batavia. Im sure you guys have been there before…how is it
Area 51 is moto x. Annual hare scramble. Wish I could hey some competition in the utility class. CoughCough @FourEyed
While im here, you guys know anything about Yamaha Warriors? Looking at a few and a decent amount of the sellers say they cant get them to start. Seems like this is an issue with the warriors. Before spending $$$ on trying to track the problem down, any idea what fails most often? DCI, stator etc?
there’s no trail system for atv’s like there is snowmobiles because most of the trails connect through farmers fields that have growing crops now…ditch quad. buy sled.