Or don’t be an ass hole when you come to a field. Just assume it’s planted and reroute also the valves usually tighten up on the Warriors. Thats the easiest place to start, then carb.
eh… I’ll go, but not breaking my quad to keep up with you lol.
When are we getting rzr’s and doing the sxs classes??
Ashtabula has them it’s A blast
Probably not putting dirt tires on the drz anytime soon.
I might go to KB sat if I don’t have to work too late… Or there’s always Sunday.
Not a lot but it’s something, and it’s legal.
Don’t be a bitch. I ran area 51 on slicks. I should have the renegade together by Sunday
im 95% in for Sat. This rain is making it less and less percentage for me though. stock blaster is no fun in mud
[QUOTE=Choda;4646137]im 95% in for Sat. This rain is making it less and less percentage for me though. stock blaster is no fun at all QUOTE]
FU hater
Good time at KB today. Thanks for coming out. Gotta plan some more meets
^^^^^ anytime you wanna ride again, give me a call
note to self. After bleeding coolant make sure to top off radiator otherwise you’ll scratch your head for 2 hours trying to figure out why you are over heating.
G05 and water wetter. The renegade has breeders in the top of each head.
I’ll be ready for another meet in a week or two. Having a hard start issue when warm and cant get a consistent idle. I’m going to adjust valves and think i’m going to change jetting a bit. I went with leaner mains a few weeks ago because the plugs were black and a/f was dipping into 11’s and also removed a shim under the needle’s. Still kinda rich at wot so I’m gonna drop a main size and put the shims back in.
I suggest changing only one thing at a time if possible so you can easily rule things out
Your right and usually I would but I’m going back to how I had it before with the exception of the main jets. It was only rich at WOT but it still ran great. As far as the valves that’s a common issue with hard starting plus it hasn’t been done since I did the big bore kit.
Guys who have rode with me know it makes good power and can throw some dirt at the who ever is behind me.
With the build you have I would hope so. Besides it handles like crap so I can only go fast in a straight line.
Well, you might end up there. I have traction issues often.
Did you make the call for me? If so thanks. Had surgery and plates put in Monday morning. Tibia and fibula both broken.