Where are they selling it these days? I went to:
Pep Boys
Advanced (they never had it)
Any smaller, non-chains have it? I really, really don’t want to have to order but if it means not using Meguiar’s or Mother’s shitbar then I’ll pay the shipping. I almost bought the Mother’s, then I decided it would be better to simply not clay my car since that clay is complete junk.
Oh I miss you, blue. $10 of fine product.
hmm I just got a clay magic blue bar like a month ago at AutoZone. You sure they just werent out of it?
I’m going to call a few Autozones.
Possibly one in the ghetto regions.
Autozone’s are normally the ones that have them, not pep boys or advanced.
I know this. But the one I went to didn’t have it. I’ve been buying it there for 7 years now. 
autozone on french corner of borden has claybar or the paint shop on transit before the 400 entrance has it.
autozone on french corner of borden has claybar or the paint shop on transit before the 400 entrance has it.
Yeah I would just call around then (I’m sure your doing that already), one of them has too have some in stock.
Yup. I found some at the Bailey Autozone.
The guy said I’m not the only person that has called up asking. I’m going to have to order some GOOD clay and put it away from now on. Seems like AZ isn’t carrying it anymore. 
Walmart stopped carrying the mothers clay, i was pissed.
I bought Mother’s.
It seems decent. Better than I remember. Maybe they had a bad batch 7 years ago. Or whoever makes it changed the formula. It actually seems a lot like Claymagic, other than not being blue and everything. It’s probably the same. There are only a few chemical companies that make clay for cars.
I can’t count how many companies use the same formula of paste wax.
hey what have u heard about that turtle wax liquid clay bar stuff? anygood?
I’ve been using Mothers Clay bar for a few years now and it seems to work very well. That and a little Mequires Quick Detail.
hey what have u heard about that turtle wax liquid clay bar stuff? anygood?
I’ve heard it’s more like a paintwork cleanser than actual clay bar. So it removes oxidation but leaves behind embedded contamination.
I’ve heard it’s more like a paintwork cleanser than actual clay bar. So it removes oxidation but leaves behind embedded contamination.
I used it… It basically sucks, its like a decent cleaner wax, but nothing like a ‘liquid’ clay bar.
Well that’s Turtle Wax for you.
using the right products > using products that get the job done
Well that’s Turtle Wax for you.
enough said lol, i will not see myself using turtle wax products for detailing…
I like the Platinum Series Ultra Gloss Wax. It’s easy to use. Not very durable.
The wheel cleaner is good, too.
The metal polish is…blegh. The car wash detergent isn’t anything special.
The rubbing compound and polishing compound is actually pretty scary. The stuff in the tins. It’s unnecessarily harsh on paint.