did he say he would give the shipping company the check and they would bring the cash? its kinda hard to read but if thats the case fuck it you get cash they get burned theres no way the banks coming at you.
So check it out, another Arabian sounding guy calls me from New Jersey( Totally different company or guy) and ask about the car, I tell him sure its still for sale, what do you want it for? He says he gonna ship it to his country. I tell him I only take cash, he says ho problem he has a guy in buffalo that can give me the cash. He then asks what year it was manufactured I say I am not home but when I get home I will check the seat belt to see. If its not man. in 98 i cannot ship it he says, I checked and called back it was man. in 97. He says thanks but he cannot take it.
I then asked whats the deal with shipping cars out of the states, he said people in his country ask pay him to get cars from the states, a women was looking for a CR-V 5 speed and if mine was man. in 98 he would have bought it. I asked why wouldn’t the other Arabian speaking guy care about the year i was made and he said its probably teh country he shipping it to, other countries dont care but his( Nigeria) did. Anyway I knew there was some legit shipping places just wasn’t sure about the first one.
India is buying small plane and exporting like crazy. I know its for different reasons, but planes are so cheap here, that they buy them for pretty much what the seller asks, and they are shipped off to be trainers in india. A new trainer costs 100k or more, a cessna 150 can be had for 20, so you can get a small fleet for a bargain.
Yeah I just got another call from another lady in Georgia, I asked first thing if she was exporting it and she said yes. She said the same thing the other two did, she however would be exporting it to Russia.
Like I said I am not an idiot, I know all the scams on craigslist, eBay, email etc. I just wanted to know if anyone ever heard of this shit with the exporting and anything about cashier checks.
This has got to be the most involved scam I’ve heard about. Well anyways, they’re not going to give you cash but at least get some of their authentic looking checks. They have water marks and the whole bit, they look real.
IMO car importer/ exporters are mostly fucked in the head. The ones i have dealt with have been anyway. Might be legit, or it might be fake. Seems fake to me. Most importer/ exporters have no problem paying cash. Simply because it reduces the paper trail. Legit or not we all like to save money in the long run. Tell them to bring you cash. If they refuse tell them to go fuck themselves. The reason they might be so persistent is because a 3k car here might be worth 10-12k in Euro else where. But in all honesty these people dont seem legit to me.