Question about Car Exporters, Thnik I am trying to get scamed???

Ok so I had my crv on eBay and it didn’t meet reserve but the bidder who cam the closest wanted my number to get a hold of me, so I gave it to him. I get a few missed calls yesterday from NO Caller ID it says, check my voicemail and its these weird beeping noises. I get a third call and this time I answer it, its the guy from ebay and some other guy I can hear who is on like a conference call and hes speaking Arabian something. The guy I am talking to is translating for him. He wants the car and said he would pay me $3800 in a cashiers check. I told him I only deal with Cash and I will not ship the car.

I then get a call from the guy without a blocked ID this time, the call is coming from Colorado, he asks if we have a deal and he will sen someone to pick the car up after the check clears. I again tell him I only want cash. He says ok, I have my shipping company in NewYork, I will send a certified check to them let them cash it and give you cash when he picks it up. At this point I am still feeling weary about Arabian men buying my car with certified checks. Why is this guy so persistent for a 98 CR-V with 170,XXX on it? So he calls a third time and I dont answer it.

Yesterday I get another call this time its from Florida, its a women. She says she want the car but the best she can do is $3000. I told her I have other people interested for a little more. I then ask her if she is in Florida, she is and I ask her why she wants a car 1300 miles away, she said she exports High Mileage cars to other countries who don’t care how many miles or damage they have. She sent me her business stuff in excel format, it lists the cars she exports.

So this guy from new jersey call today, hes the shipper and says if hes gonna drive seven hours to pick up the car he will first send a cashier check let it clear and then come and get it. I said what do you want this car for so bad, he said the same as the other women to export it over seas.

Anyone hear of these places, if I cash a bank check and it clears is there any danger of the check somehow not being good days later after the guy has the car? A certified check is as good as cash isn’t it? Any advise would be great .


I don’t know if this is a scam or not…I would just like to point called ID don’t mean shit anymore…

yes, there still is a danger of the cash being revoked even after it clears your account. That is how the scammers get away with shit. Cash or bust man.

No I feel the say way, but is a certified check as good as cash?

I checked his ebay feedback and he has bought cars from all over the country.

certified check is supposed to be. But what if the certified check is fake?

Well woudnt the bank its made out from know that? I just sold a car two weeks ago and it was a bank check, it was no problem.


Banking Myth #1 : “A bank draft or cashier’s check is as good as cash, right?”
Wow, bad call. Everyone is under the false impression that bank drafts are as good as cash. There are tons of counterfeit cashier’s checks floating around that scam people every day. Counterfeit cashier’s check fraud is everywhere on every type of financial instrument. This holds true for all money orders, bearer bonds, and other financial instruments. Even the post office has been deluged with counterfeit postal money orders. People don’t check for the few post office watermarks which could instantly identify counterfeit money orders forged to look like official post office money orders. The problem is so out of control, that no bank is safe from having their cashier’s checks counterfeited. It happens to the smallest regional bank, all the way up to Bank Of America. In fact, look at the FDIC Monthly Special Alerts List. Month after month, it’s filled with counterfeit check notices and stolen bank draft checks from banks all over the country. Most scammer’s are too lazy to duplicate the perforated edges top and bottom on legitimate cashier’s checks. It should take you .025 second to determine fake check if the perforations are missing. Let these words forever ring in the back of your mind in any of your financial dealings going forward:

Banking Myth #2: “Bank drafts or cashiers checks clear the next day, right?”
Wrong again, another urban legend exposed. Propagating the problem further, many bank tellers, ignorant of their own bank’s internal operations, are disseminating bad information to their customers, telling them the bank drafts clear in 24-48 hours. What really happens is that per the 1992 Federal Reserve Board Regulation CC, the bank MUST make the funds available in you account in 48 hours, but the check has not cleared/bounced yet. Get the picture? Two different events, the bank makes funds available, then the check either clears or bounces about a week later, after bouncing around to incorrect Federal Reserve locations, or bank accounts. Virtually no one understands the big picture mechanics behind depositing checks, including tellers. The average bank draft or cashiers check can take 2 weeks to clear, not 2 days. Yet everyone thinks cashiers checks are as good as cash, and they think they clear the next day. Bottom line, the scammers know the banking system well, and capitalize on this arbitrage of time quite well. The banks make the funds available in your bank account within 48 hours of your deposit, days before the cashiers check clears- or bounces. Then they take the money back out of your account, and blacklist you.

Chances are it’s a scam.

Lets recap.

You’re getting calls from all over the country from people wanting to “export” the car. We all know that anyone who wants to buy a run-of-the-mill used car and mentions “exporting” and “shippers” is a scammer.

Maybe it’s legit, given that it is such a high demand car. It’s hard to find something like a 10 year old, $3000 dollar, 170,000 mile CRV. :bloated:

Wait, JayS is viewing the thread. He’ll probably just tell you you’re a fucking moron. :tup:

EDIT: Wow, he was nice!

JayS, thank you for saving me the time. A cashier’s/bank check is just another piece of paper that can be faked.

Cash or no deal.

its $3k we’re not exactly talking about a lot of money here. Tell EVERYone that contacted you, bring you the cash and let them know you will be checking each and every dollar, and I bet they hang up/never call back. If they still say they’re coming, go buy a money marker, check each one for watermark, magnetic strip etc. whatever else you want to look for to feel comfortable. don’t even sign your half of the title until every dollar has been checked.

I stick to this and never have run into any problems other than people feeling somewhat disrespected because you’re checking every dollar they hand you, but too fucking bad.

I’m in a good mood today. Just before a long weekend and the box-o-steaks my boss got me came from Omaha Steaks yesterday.

sounds good to me :tup:

Kyle jump off a cliff.

I have some involvement with exporters. Theres alot of stuff going over sea’s the past few years. None of them sound real trustworthy.
Take CASH ONLY. end of story.

It IS A scam, i have seen it before.

Unless they are paying in cash, DO NOT DO IT.

The bank will realize the check was no good in a few weeks.


Make sure the bills are non-sequential too. Just like in the movies!!

:word: I have seen this scam before as well