question about mono

ok I got mono whatever. I know it affects your spleen and liver. I know I am not suppost to drink while i have it, but I have also heard that you aren’t suppost to drink 6 months after you have gotten over the symptoms.

Does any body know how long I am suppost to wait to get really drunk?

Ask a doctor. Is drinking really that important?

no not really i just am suppost to go to a friends college and party and i was just wondering.

I’m assuming you went to the doctor to know that you had mono, just call them and ask. Usually they will call you back in the same day.

do they give antibiotics for that? If so you are not alowed to drink, cuz the beer or liquer, will counteract the med’s.

Epstein-Barr Virus causes mono… it is my understanding that viruses are not treatable by Antibiotics… only bacterial infections are treated like that. (In June 2004 I had a nasty ass virus for 10 days, and they told me they had to just let it run it’s course because it’s a virus and antibiotics won’t help)

You aren’t given antibiotics for mono.

Even after the symptoms are gone your spleen is still swollen for months. Any physical activity is a risk since your spleen can be easily ruptured. You also have to be careful because mono and pneumonia run hand in hand. (I had mono when I was 18. Not fun. I was off of school for 2.5 weeks)

I wouldn’t recommend drinking immediately after having mono either.

I had mono a few years ago…

was terrible.

I just got it like a month ago it wasn’t nearly as bad as others had it that i know, but i still drank and haven’t felt anything …

keep on drinking

just smoke a fatty

Im also going to say u dont get antibiotics for a viral infection. I had meningitis on my 21st bday (tell me that didnt suck!!!) and they didnt give me any antibiotics, just percoset’s for the pain and a shot in the ass of something that made me feel better instantly but no actual perscription.

Hope you feel better!



lol…funny :slight_smile:

quit acting like drinking is important and just shut up about your mono already…my spleen will rupture…blah blah blah…quit whining. :rant:

j/k bryan. be careful with the drinking.

arent you a cop or something?

Correct, antibiotics have no effect on viruses.

The only drinking i would be doing if i had mono would be tons of water.

hmmm, is this why you have been in hiding for a while now bryan?


They give you the ntibiotics to elp you fight potential infections because your body is so weak already from the Mono…
I had Mono in High school… it lasts for about 3 months.

Mono leads to Epstein-Barr, or chronic fatigue syndrome, which is much worse than mono. DO NOT DRINK! Smoke :shaggy: