Question for those with EZPass

did you really think about that statement before you said it or did you just kind of say it?

No ezpass here, now that there are no 190 tolls I go through tolls less than once a month.

Same here, but I still have the ezpass. I mean, hell, they’re free, and even if you only use it a few times a year it’s still better than needing cash and waiting in line.

I still don’t trust 'em! I need a way to get rid of all my loose change anyway.

Yeah, when I’m going to dump a body I try to remember to toss the pass in the little blocking envelope it came with and just pay cash. Don’t want to give the cops a timeline.

Usually 2 going westbound. One around the 100 mile marker, and one hiding behind the jersey barriers in the median just after Indian country.

I just ordered my EZ-pass tags now … i fucking hate going through the tolls at willyville and transit at rush hour …

I just really hate digging up my 15cents … my girlfriend does it 4 days a week and i do it twice a week … i cant stand it …i cant wait till they get here

And on the way back a certain stop in Hornell haha

Also when do you get the statement? I never get mine…

:bloated: there’s a reason, there is a speed limit. I’ll give you a second to think…why could there possibly be a speed limit when going through toll booths?

Oh yeah maybe for the collector’s safety. Fucking imbecile.

I get an email once a month with my statement.

And yeah, the speed limit through the booth makes sense. Not only for the toll collector’s safety, but for the fact that having some people doing 5mph because they just stopped and paid the toll and other flying through at 60 is just asking for carnage.

It’s happened, but it was fought and won. Since the camera doesnt take pictures inside the car, there’s no way to prove who’s driving. Since the tickets go to the operator of the vehicle not the car itself, who do you ticket?

The name on the EZpass? (which was the situation)
Fine then, get a lawyer, go to court, ask the prosecutor to provide evidence that it was you who was driving the car, then watch him squirm.

I call BS. Give me the person’s name, a link about the case… something. I think all the “EZ Pass average speed” stuff is complete urban legend.

They can ticket the owner of the vehicle, just like a parking ticket. It’s not a point violation though. They would just make the fines rediculous to make up for it. You would be able to fight it, but good luck, and most people would just give up and pay it. It is possible.

Turns out I was wrong, apologies. Turns out his ticket was speeding through the EZPass LANE not for, as I understood it, them taking the distance and dividing it by his travel time. My bust, it happens, sorry.

No problem, but I’m pretty sure that’s how the majority of, “I know a guy who knows a guy who got busted for his average speed” stories go. I searched for quite a while last time this came up and was not able to find one official statement about it. If they were going to do that I’m sure legally they’d have to disclose it when you signed up for ezpass.

Well, this is NYS…

coming down in 3,2,1…
Between Syracuse and Williamsville I was averaging 87ish mph. Each way.

i should have ez pass but i don’t. and if they started ticketed for speed. i’d get one everytime i get on the thruway…it’s not worth it :wink: