I’m selling this guy a head and he emails me with this
let me ask my mommy if i can use her credit card. if she says no… i might just slap her and take it. is the head assembled? im pretty dumb, and ive never assembled a head before. oh. and just to verify. this is a type S head right? if you have MSN messenger feel free to add me.
If he paypals me how long does he have to stop payment, Do I have anyway to protect myself?
Its an $800 head, so I would be taking a big hit here
money order FTW, I will not accept paypal for anything large I’ve also been fucked a few times and they usually only take one day to clear if you don’t have the full balance in your account to cover the amount.
FYI I’m sure paypal has a 1-800 number you can contact, to inform them of the message and you want them to keep a close eye on the transaction to protect yourself if thats an option.
Fuck paypal! As long as they get their money, they don’t give a fuck about you. They’ll let the buyer get their money back and you’ll be up shits creek. They’re not FDIC regulated, they can just lock your account with for no reason and hold you money for up to 6 months, meanwhile earning interest on it. They have over $600 of my hard earned cash held hostage, and they have given me no possible way to get it back. And I’m not even involved in a dispute! Fuck the seller, kiss the buyer’s ass, thats their motto. As long as buyers keep using their services, sellers will have to use them too. Thats how they operate.
Tell the guy it’s a money order or nothing, and make sure it’s real before you send anything.