Quick question involving the iPOD

Hey guys, I know this may be the wrong forum to ask this question in, if you moderators find it unsuitable please feel free to move :P.

Anyways, was curious… I have a 2004 Sunfire, and I havn’t swaped the deck. So it’s running the default CD PLAYER / RADIO… So I was curious, i’ve seen them before, but what is the device called for the iPod where it tunes a radio frequency with in a short radius for your car to pick up via radio.

And is it possible to do this with any other mp3 players?


Fm transmitter, and yes it will work on any mp3 player


Thanks a lot buddy! Exactly what I was looking for.


some are specific to the ipod, just make sure you get a universal one. If i were you (assuming your sunfire has a tape deck) i would get one of the cassette 3.5mm hookups. I’ve used acouple FM transmitters and havnt liked any, theres always some static or interferance that kills sound quality.

Well, you see that’s the thing. The 2004 Series Pontiacs… Grand Am and the SunFire among the few, are only standard CD Decks no Cassette. Really messed up, and there is no AUX input that I’m aware of so the FM might be the way I go for this one.

its called the Itrip and i got one for sale(30$) if you want one.

hmmm, alright if you have it on sale and I ultimatly decide to pick up an Ipod i’ll give you a shout! as of right now, I have no money :stuck_out_tongue:

these are 9 dollars at canadian tire right now

the itrip or something similar?

fm transmitter

And does this work for standard Mp3 players? or no… that’s what i ment :stuck_out_tongue:

prolly not
its got an ipod connection

iTrips go for between $9-15 at places like staples and factory direct right now… they are ok but fm transmitters lack soooo much quality.

Their not “Itrips” their just Fm transmitters, ITrips are probably close to $100. The sub $30 transmitters you wont be happy with, some only have like 3 preset stations you can tune it to. CT had them 50% off a awhile back, and had two verions a regular priced $20 one or a $60 one. I got the $20 one for $10 and it was shit, so i took it back and got the $60 one. Still shit, i couldnt get a station without feedback. Then i even borrowed my friends Belkin $80 one and still wasnt happy with the quality.

I ended up swapping to a headunit with an aux in and using that.

I don’t know, from what you guys are saying… I’m considering swapping the deck out for a new one just like a 200 dollar deck or something that has AUX in, so I can play my mp3 player or ipod via aux in. just to save quality and frustration in the long run. because honestly, i love quality last thing i need is fuzzy sound blasted to the max db. I want my trance and my heavy metal to blast sky high ^_^…

Anyways, what do you guys think of this idea?

That would be my suggestion if you really care about the quality of your music. You’ll never get the same quality out of a transmiiter as you will a direct hook-up.

with this in mind, got any good suggestions on where I can pick up a good deck?

fm transmitters suck if youre dowtown, has the interference crap

http://www.factorydirect.ca/catalog/product_spec.php?pcode=GR9781 that is an iTRIP the price is $9.99 … you will NEVER get good quality from an fm transmitter. there is a kit available that allows you to integrate an ipod into a stock head unit. or you could go the route of an aftermarket unit. Regardless… iTRIPS do not cost $100… also depending on where you live, hit www.teamalltech.com ask for adam… he is a audio genius, and set the canadian SPL record last year in the 161db range or something so you know he knows what he is talking about.

adam only set that cuz he bought are car that was already doing those numbers he just put his equipment in the car, some guy that helps him install by the name of peter used to own that car and he built it, if you want a good fm transmitter get one from future shop and i believe its from monster they work pretty good