Quitting Smoking V. Laser Concept


What the fuck do they do with the laser? :ohnoes:


That is the most important part and I left it out! lol

They tape it to your balls and every time you think about smoking, it sends a high heat high radiation charge to the boys and well…

But really it is just a regular red laser pen looking thing hooked to a machine. She would stick it in weird parts of my earlobe untill the machine beeped…then my fore-arm in one spot, the back of my hand and my nose. No pain, no feeling except a little drowsyness (and a brain tumor JK).

I guess it is like acupuncture but way more effective and quick. I read that what it really does is stimulates the production of certain endorphins and other bullshit that helps you quit.

I consider it more of a jump start to quitting as you still have to want to quit or it won’t work. She claims a 95% success rate with her procedure, and if the first visit does not work…she will give you a higher dosed treatment for free.

Also…I like the cig sig Idea!