R!cers automotive items you hated the most

grow up

awwwwww did i hurt your feelings too?

i thought you guys are goin to embarrass imports? I mean thats what the TEAM myspace says.

Who exactly is in UNCLE SAMS AMERICAN MUSCLE if you dont mind me asking?

grow up…

just a name we thought up for our group of like 12 friends who have domestics (and one S2000 lol). You certainly didnt hurt my feelings, as i said before, i could care less what car a person drives. I like cars, plain and simple, you like imports, i like domestics the world goes on. Seriously, i have no problem with any of you guys, but if you want to be assholes, thats your prerogative

enough of the vagina monologues in here

Thats fine… we both like fast cars sure whatever. But when your club’s main page background says “embarrassing import drivers near you” is when i start to run my mouth.

and im done with this discussion in this thread since its OT.

hahaha your talking about the picture of the F body and the Mustang? it was a background i think we found on google images, we didnt make it… just thought it was funny… no hard feelings, i just dont want to be involved in BS drama that is pointless and childish.

im part of uncle sams american muscle.

whammy :stuck_out_tongue:

im part of uncle sams american muscle.

whammy :stuck_out_tongue:

YOUR ONE OF THEM I no longer like you lol :walter:

  1. From what I’ve heard he hasn’t even spent nearly as much as you’d think

and if honda’s are so easy why doesn’t everyone have a 10 second civic?

because its a honda lol

haha… thanks for the invite man, nice shop, cool guys and sick cars! Lookin forward to this summer:tup:

So if someone were to hand you the keys to a 10 second civic, you wouldn’t take it just because it’s a honda?

That makes no sense. I don’t have a problem with american cars but imports>domestics all day long.

yea know what im done…i really could give to flying fucks…what yous think/do/say…really doesnt matter to me … i like my cars…you like your cars…whatever cool with me…im over it

Pretty much…

I’m sure there are people that would say the same thing about euro/domestic cars…

if anyone handed me the keys to a 10 second vehicle i’d take it in a heartbeat. no matter what it was. i don’t care if there’s giant dicks painted on it.

lol, getting beaten by a car with giant dicks all over it…priceless.

lol agreed

i fixed that for you, that will be 5 dolla

he painted it white?! this must be why i havent seen him in a while… now im on the lookout :snky:

it looks like a egg seriously, i havent seen it in a while though so idk but last i seen it was white and he was being asked got yoke