R!cers automotive items you hated the most

that so looks like the car i just bought. is it the same one?


When you see a windshielld banner with what kind of car it is.
Yes i know your driving a Grandam Gt and a shitty Cavalier i dont need your windshield telling me too.

sorry i was too lazy to read back through the thread. i did and figured it out. sorry man you get offended by stuf fast. looks very similar. i wish i could have been around for the og days but o well. its funny to see how things have changed over time. wonder what the next couple years will bring.

i dont care enough to get offended

EH, I’m 18 currently so you’re probably right.

ridiculous amounts of black vinyl on red mustangs that can barely crack 13s.

I hear glossed tires on rusty cars make them run 9’s.

damnit is that what ive been doing wrong

what mustang was yours? is it the red one that had uncle sams on it that did donuts in the kmart parking lot the day the viper was there at the t/i meet?

theres no mustangs in uncle bens

[quote=mindless;771075]theres no mustangs in uncle bens[/quote

cuz they are waaaay to sickkkk!..

or cuz they are gay and slow

no mine was a silver GT… i didnt do stupid shit

i meant sams my mistake

ahh, i was thinking you were the guy with the red one with the black decals,

nope, not me


this thread is heading downhill quick.


just to be that guy but …94blackls, myself, and mindless all started with 5.0’s :gotme: 6-8 years ago wow it was that long ago…crazy

also rice i hate

OT pic … oh euro wiper
i also hate - camber :gotme: