R32 Skyline: Opinions Please


question dismissed

Aside from cost, its getting the parts. Overnight parts from japan do not exist regardless of what Chad Lindeberg leads you to believe.

Having a skyline would be awesome, acctualy driving it would be even cooler, but regardless its just like any other old car, shits going to need to be replaced, shit will break especially if its being driven, it will be expensive, and much time will be spent waiting for the parts. Also i’m sure adam (boxersix) can chime in on how its not like calling Advance Auto, kinda gotta source shit out and make some friends overseas.


No, but there are certain restrictions, can’t remember what they are off the top of my head.

Edit: 100% NO for new cars, 99% NO for used.

no inspection or reg needed for dealer plate

dealer plates are all but impossible to get unless you own a dealership/ used car lot. NYS really cut down on giving out plates a few years back

oh and depending on the area, some cops have hard on’s for cars with dealer plates and will pull you over if you don’t have an inspection or a front plate bracket or even if the plate is not properly attached to the vehicle

why would i want to convert it to awd? rwd 32 for drifting.

It’s not really that bad, but not a cup of tea either. RHDJ like Cossey and I quite well. If you’re willing to pay the shipping, you can get just about any part under 100lbs overnighted as soon as they have it in their doors.

Back OT, it’s a fucking car. Drive it. Wasn’t meant to sit in a garage 350 days out of the year. If you want to buy a car and jack all over it sitting in your garage, buy a hyundai. Save the cars like this for the people who actually want to drive them for what they’re worth.

Mine sits in the garage for 350 days a year (counting the R34 as well) =( .

I’ll take it out for ya, mang.

I’m pretty sure 99% of this forum wouldn’t be able to drive it. I fucking hate driving it sometimes.

Yeah, but most of that not by choice on your part…you were doing your duty driving the beast(s) that landed them in my garage.

why do u hate driving the skyline? uncomfortable or what? cops?

I stretched the legs on the R33 today and yesterday. Definitely thinking about selling the Recaros and getting a set that’s not so complex. They’re nice and comfy, so I may get Recaro Sports again, just not the Toplines.

It’s semi-uncomfortable. I sit very high up because that’s how the seat brackets are to fit everything that’s under the seat, like the cooling fan and heating element. Should just get a non-power regular seat.

I’ll bet you I could. You know I’m a good driver, bud :smiley:

Well just bring it up and we’ll swap the stockers back in. Might as well sell off the toplines while their spanking new ya know.

Fuck I’d buy those if I have an extra 2.2K kicking around

It doesn’t matter if you’re a good driver or not. I’ve had a national autocross champion say that it was very hard to drive. Once you get going, it’s fine though.

I’m an International Auto-Everything Champion.

International hood-catch Champion?

LOL… The windshield got that honor.


I’m looking into getting a dealer license. I have commercial space available and it may not be a bad idea.