Racing Schools in Ontario?

Does anyone here have any experence with racing schools in Ontario?

or know what benifits are to be had by going to one of these schools?its not like you go to this school for 3000$ for 1 day and become a race driver right away but i would imagine its a good start to learning.

i just wanna see whats out there as i am intresting in racing but i dunno where to start when your not born into any type of racing family its kinda hard to get into it.


You’re probably gonna laugh at this, but just play a lot of GT3/GT4… it’s unbelievable how much that stuff helps.

It taught me VERY MUCH about drifting and car control =).
As far as driving schools go, though, I don’t really have any idea.

LOL yeah been playing since…`1996 when GT1 came out and still play GT4 even today its actally what my name is made after haha i know proper lines,apex,ect…but as for real track experence it goes as far as CSCS events in my 240 …:frowning: and some go karting.

ide love to get into any type of racing as a carreer but it just seems so imposible to do so if you are not loaded, or have people in your family in the business.

Solosprint school is on May 12+13 at mosport DDT
OMSC has school’s through-out the summer, first one is April 28th on DDT
TRAC holds racing schools
The list goes on…

Chris thats a pretty retarded comment. is your friend


LOL my gt4 driving is never matching to real life… i have 500hp and i wall ride and never brake… bahahahha but the physics is pretty real to real life… just no real pressure feel to it…

isnt there those bmw racing ones? or porsche ones?

just spent the last hour or so looking at those sites you posted andrew,Thanks i was actally looking on the site before i posted this :stuck_out_tongue: ,the MCO school on the 28th.that looks like it would be pretty awsome…looks like theres a waiting list just to get into those lessons.

OMSC never heard of it but also looks good.ive only been able to find information about it the ones in april though thats to soon for me to go right now but all this is good to know hopefully they also have classes the summer later on. ontario racing scene is alot bigger then i first thought and thats a good thing!

Still even after completeing racing schools…whos to say your going to be able to turn racing from a hobby into a carrer?
is some company looking to sponsor a new driver just going to be hanging out at track days looking for new talent is that the ony shot you have at getting noticed ? thats a pretty slim chance ide say… i dont expect anyone to know the answers to that really…just wondering.